p. 9-12 (for those of you who were in class, I need to apologize for being so “mouthy” during this session. I have to say though that I found today’s material very moving and exciting).

The guides are using the metaphor of a billboard to demonstrate some our creative power. I began thinking along those lines and believe it can be divided into three planes of understanding.

Stage 1-Here we are pretty unconscious and we look at the billboard and immediately want to get ahold of whatever it is being put before us. Sometimes a thing or an idea that we never knew existed a moment ago becomes a want or a need. We have no realization of what we have created here or our power of choice.

Stage 2—We are consciously aware, and we discover that even though we might have a knee jerk reaction to what is on the billboard, we realize we have no interest in it at all, and we just reject it outright.

Stage 3-We still have no interest in the item, but we understand how some might be attracted to it, and we also realize we have contributed to the collective consciousness that has created this value. 

An example here from current events of violence, fear and hatred is to realize that even though I do not seem to have anything to do with all that, and even though I might object to all of that vehemently, that the fear, anger and separateness within me contributes to the war and violence around me.

Here is a deep realization—If I look at all that is going on around me, even the negative stuff, I can begin to realize how powerful I am. I can claim that power and use it in a conscious and powerful way.

This concept of claiming your power is quite significant because we are not just intellectually recognizing our power to create, we are literally claiming it as being an aspect of our truth, and by claiming it we are now making it conscious and using this power in positive healthy ways.

When I take responsibility for my life situations, I am no longer a victim, I am claiming my power to work with them and perhaps even to transform them.

“I am now choosing to stand in my awareness as the Creative Source that brings about the change that is required in my life. I am doing this through this intention: I am Word to begin to identify myself through my choices as the one empowered to create change. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

This quote is followed by a profound spiritual/metaphysical truth:

“you have to become very aware of the aspect of the self that you are choosing to create from. Is it in the jurisdiction of the Creative Self, the Christed Self, or is it born out of fear?”

Whatever our mind set is, whatever our sense of ourself is, whatever our sense of power or victimhood is—that is the space from which we create (our reality).

So if I am in a mindset of fear, I will create a fearful world—not only in my individual perception, but since there are “no neutral thoughts” I am also creating fear that can affect all beings.


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