Simple question: How do I know I am in alignment with the Divine Will?

There were a number of great answers to this question:

I am at peace—not just a feeling or emotion, and not only lack of conflict, but a sense of connectedness with the Divine. Hard to explain in words, but I sense all of us can be aware of that one.

Praying for guidance to do the next right thing. Her is another factor—going beyond the personality self or the ego self to listen to the directives of the Divine mind.


The book draws a distinction between thinking and knowing. Without getting too picky, let us say that thinking is of the intellect—it will always be making distinctions and judgments. Knowing, with a capital “K” is more conencted with the heart. 

“Now let us explain this: Will operates on an independent level through the individual’s ownership of their own experience. And you can know very well on a level of Higher Will that your child requires something in order to be well. “My son needs a better school in order to realize his abilities fully.” Now that is very true, and that is something that you can know, capital “K,” Know. And that is very different than saying, “I think my son’s algebra teacher isn’t very bright, or up to the task of teaching him, because he is so advanced.” That’s a thought. The knowing is that your son needs more school of quality.”

The decision I make, to put my child in a different school might be the same, but the difference is am I choosing from my thinking or my knowing?

“I am in my knowing through this truth. I am in my acknowledgment of my own awareness as a Divine Being. I am aligning now to my knowing and my will is operating in accordance with my Divine Will.”

“What does it matter?” you might ask. When we are operating out of thought or thinking there are so many unconscious factors that are feeding into our behavior, cultural, family, prejudices, etc. and most of the time we are not even aware of these.

When I am operating in alignment with Divine Will, I can be assured I am lovingly motivated. (and that what I am choosing will be for the highest good of all).

It is important we note that alignment to the Divine Will does not mean the abnegation of responsibility.  

Much of this aspect of the work involves going beyond the personality self, and our old definitions of self.

My actions from a vibrational level affect everyone and everything.


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