P. 81-85  
Even though we have not quite finished this chapter, I am going to complete it in this blog; and then the next installment will begin with Chapter 5: AWARENESS IN RELATIONSHIPS AND CONSCIOUS STRUCTURES OF LOVE.

There is a piece of wisdom I continually come across (because I keep forgetting it):
Simply put—Don’t get into fight with your ego—you cannot win. It is like trying to argue with a three year old!
Once you discover you have overly identified with your little self, pull back for a moment, recognize the conflict; recognize the difference between the ego’s self-centered/fear-based motivation and the motivation of Love and occupation originating from your Higher Self. Know that now you are aware, you have a choice.

There is much talk of alignment in this chapter, and I realize that word can be confusing. Some other words or descriptions we could use are “being in synch with; 
being congruent with; being in harmony with; being identified with; being in agreement with.” 

For example, when I am in agreement with someone, there is no friction, the relationship is smooth. If I am in touch with someone I love, no matter how far away I might be physically, I am in alignment with them.
Now when it comes to being in alignment with our Higher Selves, and being in alignment with the gifts this chapter refers to, we will have to get past our thinking mind and the preconceived notions we have about who we are and what we are entitled to.

We need to continually practice being identified with this Higher Self—the aspect of self that loves. This does not have to be overly dramatic. The is an aspect of us that can choose and act lovingly, that is the Higher Self that  we can be identified with and in alignment with.  When we are in this space we are instruments or channels of grace and peace—and those energies flow from the unique being that you are—it could be music, it could be art, it could be a smile, it could be your ability to listen. The forms that love can take are infinite.

“I am now aligning to the reality that as I move forward on my journey, my experience will change and my experience of myself in manifestation will bring me to those I need to know to support me in my journey. And that I am bringing with me all that I need by way of love, by way of support, and by way of reason to know fully that I am not in agreement with any rules that state that I am in my limitation. I am free of limitation. I am knowing myself as free. And I am aligning now to my willingness to experience myself as the one who is in alignment with his freedom. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

“I am now choosing to bring myself into an awareness through my senses of the experience of love. And as I do this, I bring into alignment with me my experiences as expressed and informed through my senses. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

In speaking of the senses here, I believe we are not just speaking about the 5 senses we are most familiar with; we are also speaking of our sense of intuition, our sense of awareness beyond our physical bodies, our sense of compassion and other senses similar these.

A little earlier in this chapter the guides spoke of realizing our nature as inter-dimensional beings. When I first came across that, it sounded pretty much like science fiction, but then I realized time and space are dimensions and I travel though them all the time.
I can pick up a piece of guilt 50 years old and make it seem like today! I could also do that with positive experiences. 
I also know through my healing work, that we can also work on healing our past. I can be with someone “in spirit” who is thousands of miles away. I can even be with those who do not have a body any longer. So there are many things possible to us that we have not even imagined.

“We bless you for your forward action. And we honor you through your creations, that which is created for your good, and what is which is created for your learning that will now be clearing so you can move forward on your path in love. Word I am Word through this intention for all who read this book. Word I am Word.”

A SUGGESTION: If you are ever experiencing thinking that you are stuck or not getting it or not there yet or not where you think you should be—gently get back to your willingness and intention. That is the motor and the fuel; let go of what you think your spiritual life should be —let it be what it is, and open to the grace to be an expression of love and compassion in all that you meet, in all that you do.



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