p. 16-20

Again we are exploring the reality we live in, and deciding what we want and what no longer serves us. We are not making a value judgment on our stuff or our thoughts and beliefs. It is about discovering what no longer serves us and letting it go (if you want to).

It would be like going through your closet and finding the clothes you no longer use or want. The clothes themselves might be perfectly fine, but you don’t want or need them anymore; you don’t like the style, etc. So they longer serve you.
Now you could keep them or you could let go of what no longer serves you. That’s the deal—discovery and choice.

“As you go about your day, we want you to begin to imagine that everything that you encounter you have chosen. Every smile from every stranger, every piece of dirt on the street, every telephone call, every mailing in your mailbox, everything on the television, everybody’s face at work, on your children’s faces, everything is created by you. We want you to do this as an experiment so that you can begin to understand the idea of your jurisdiction.”

Change even good change by its very nature can be uncomfortable and there are two things here at we are cautioned to be aware of.
1) Do not judge your uncomfortableness to be a sign of something wrong. Something we have mentioned before—please do not use your feelings as a barometer of where you are spiritually. Sometimes we feel good just because things are going the way we like, and sometimes we might not feel that good when we have challenges to move through and grow with. So the feelings are not necessarily a good indicator of our spiritual condition.

2) The second piece is that when we change/transform/let go of old stuff/open to a new belief or paradigm/ we will naturally go through a period of awkwardness. Example: If you had a mobile that you added a piece to or took a piece away, it will take some time for it to each equilibrium again or if you are learning a new skill or exercise, or yoga position it will feel strong for awhile until it sinks in and becomes a part of you.

“But the extent that you still don’t believe that you are a manifestation of the Creator in form keeps the lid on everything.”

Much of this work is “coming to believe” the Truth of who you are. Again, we do not judge ourselves for where we think we are. We cannot force ourselves to believe anything, but we can embrace our present state of awareness and open to the next. As I have said many times, one of my favorite prayers is that of the man in the gospels who said, “Lord I believe, help thou my unbelief.”

I love what the guides have to say about miracles:

“We will say this: Yes, there will be miracles, and they will be of two kinds. The first kind is a personal miracle. And once the personal miracle occurs, and by this we mean that the individualized consciousness expands beyond this system of creation to embrace the possibility of Christdom inhabiting this plane to bring about global manifestation of change that will be happening, we will say, yes. The second kind of miracle will be one of change of scenery and how your physical life will begin to alter through your perceptions of it. And becoming aware is the first step to this part of the miracle.”

Two things I would encourage all of us to do and explore:
  1. When something comes up or gets your attention ask yourself: Why do I choose this? Why is this here? What do I think that I created this? If this feels like a silly exercise, do it anyway. Because it is only through becoming conscious of that which is already here that you can begin to make changes.”

2)  Explore this one: “Paul is seeing the image of a room where things have been left so long that they have become invisible. That photograph on the shelf that requires dusting that you don’t even notice anymore because it’s been sitting there so long. Or that stack of newspapers by the front door that seems to always be growing. These are the things in your lives we are asking you to see. Now these two little examples were, perhaps, symbolic, but they were good examples for what is being out-pictured in your world. And as you do this on a larger level, you will learn what your environment is created with and how you now have the opportunity to create change.”



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