p. 73-78
A reminder—when the book speaks of “feeling something", e.g. feeling something in your body, we are not talking about emotions; feelings here refers more to sensing and sensations. For instance, I can have sense of another sadness even if I am not feeling that as an emotion.
Much of this section is about “tuning in” to ourselves and others. If we were to imagine ourselves as more than our bodies, we would begin to get a sense of the energy field that surrounds us, and if that is true for us, then we can also begin to get a sense of the energy field around others as well.
Just a simple example, when you are at the grocery store looking for a particular item and perhaps standing in the middle of the aisle, if you are aware, you almost immediately realize there is someone behind you wanting to get by, and then there are other times when a bulldozer might not get your attention!
So what is the purpose of all this? Is it to read minds, or becoming controlling of others? Well, I guess you could use these skills as a magic trick or a way to manipulate another person, but all of that would be pretty much working out of a lower vibration of consciousness.
I think the primary reason for acquiring a skill level in awareness and tuning into the self and others is to encourage compassion, but even more importantly to open us to the awareness that we are all One and that separateness is an illusion.
Now much of this has taken place unconsciously with many of us. We are always picking up stuff form the airwaves as it were. We’re picking up anger, fear, joy, sadness, etc.
Many times we will describe ourselves as feeling a certain way without knowing why. Sometimes, not all the time, this description of ourselves will be due to picking up feelings from others around us that we are not aware of. We are affected by those energies, and when we are not aware of what going on we can bench more easily be knocked off balance.
The guides suggest that we learn how to protect ourselves—not out of fear, but in the same way we would carry an umbrella, or wear a surgical mask when visiting someone contagious in the hospital.
I know Paul begins all his session with Unity’s Prayer of Protection.
Margo and I cam across a similar prayer which we like:
“I am whole; I am filled with Light.
I am perfect; I am filled with Light.
I am surrounded by the pure white Light of Christ.
Nothing but good deal come to me;
Nothing but good shall flow from me
I give thanks. I give thanks. I give thanks.
Again, as I mentioned, this learning of empathy, tuning into another, has two major goals: 1) to foster a deeper sense of compassion and 2) to expand the awareness of our Oneness.
There is a newness to all of this; before, we were attached to a vision of ourselves as separate beings. Now we are claiming our Oneness. By saying “I am word through my being; I am word through my energy field,” not only claims my truth, but also establishes me in high frequency so that I am open to my gifts and also “shielded” from negativity. Recall that it has been spoken, when we are in high frequency, those energies of a lower frequency cannot stick.
“Now what you would do in this situation, first off, is to claim your power in manifestation: “I am a Divine Being. I am Word through all that I see before me,” and in so doing, you are bringing frequency at a higher level to support the balancing of the energies that are being thrown about in anger. You are not going to change the anger, you are going to change the emission, and you also are going to support yourself in frequency by claiming your dominion over your own energy field.
“I am Word through my being” sets the intention that your being is in activation as your Divine Self. “I am Word through my body” sets the intention that the physical body is unified in frequency as Word. “I am Word through my energy field” or “through my vibration” affirms that your aura is in congruence, and your consciousness, which is to say, “I am Word,” is in congruence. Another way to claim this is to say, “I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word,” which establishes you as the one in dominion in frequency.
When you are operating at this level, believe it or through my knowing of myself as Word,” which establishes you as the one in dominion in frequency.
When you are operating at this level, believe it or not, you are actually breaking an agreement that you are going to be a receptor for the lower frequency. You are moving up an octave, or two or three, in frequency through the intentions that you have set and you have realigned to a higher level that will no longer go into agreement empathically with that which is around you.”
And finally today:
“As I become frequency in my awareness, my awareness allows me to access information through frequency. As I operate through frequency, I gain information and insight that can serve my friends, my fellows, and my own awareness of where I need to send the light. I am Word through all that I see before me. Word I am Word.”
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