p. 186-190 I’m going to need to keep this section on the body quite simple because honestly I do not understand all of this on a level where I can explain it all well. I think it was Einstein who suggested that “If you really know something well, you can explain it to your grandmother.” Well, I can’t do that. So simply put—We cannot deny the body; it is our vehicle; as we learn to raise our spiritual vibration, we need to take our body along as well. The vibrations created in the mind, in thought can and will effect physical reality, Also know that none of these directives happen in a moment. They are processes. “Now “I am Word through the broken arm I have” actually brings frequency to support that arm in its healing. “I am Word through my blood pressure” will balance and support the body in moving this issue: “I am Word through my knowing of myself as healed.” What you are doing is you are bringing in the higher frequency through this decree, which...