p. 186-190

I’m going to need to keep this section on the body quite simple because honestly I do not understand all of this on a level where I can explain it all well.
I think it was Einstein who suggested that “If you really know something well, you can explain it to your grandmother.” Well, I can’t do that. 
So simply put—We cannot deny the body; it is our vehicle; as we learn to raise our spiritual vibration, we need to take our body along as well. 
The vibrations created in the mind, in thought can and will effect physical reality,

Also know that none of these directives happen in a moment. They are processes. 

“Now “I am Word through the broken arm I have” actually brings frequency to support that arm in its healing. “I am Word through my blood pressure” will balance and support the body in moving this issue: “I am Word through my knowing of myself as healed.” What you are doing is you are bringing in the higher frequency through this decree, which actually brings frequency from your light body, from the Divine Self, to support you in this integration of material healing. This is process. We would not tell any of you at this time to eschew medical help. And Paul has always been the first one to say, “If I break my leg, take me to the hospital, we can lay the hands on later.” So don’t be silly, be wise. But do understand that your participation in the healing of your body through frequency will realign you and show you how powerful you can be.”

I recalled a movie from the ’80’s  called Resurrection. It was about a woman who was in a car wreck which killed her husband and brought her near death. After she recovered she discovered that she has the ability to heal others. Her method was to actually take on the disease and transform that within her own body, and pass on that healing. Certainly not a recommended method, but this was before we knew much about energy healing, reiki, healing ouch etc. But the message here is that when we interact with others especially with healing or any other form of transformation, we are instruments of Divine love and healing. 

“Now when we say this, “I am Word through the one before me,” you are actually serving that aspect of the person before you that requires healing. “I am Word through my friend’s liver.” “I am Word through my friend’s eyesight.” “I am Word through my friend’s heart, Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word” supports them in receiving frequency where it is needed. It does not require touch; it requires intention. And as this happens, the frequency in the body of your friend goes into receptivity and the energy is sent and dispersed by that person to where it is intended to go.
Now understand this. When you send the energy in healing through intention, “I am Word through the one before me,” where the energy goes is the energy’s business. You are not in charge of dictating the passage of this frequency. Allow the frequency to do what it needs to do in order to move and realign those aspects of those persons’ self that require a higher vibration in order to heal them.”
And I wanted to include a wonderful piece of poetry I came across again. It does not fit these teachings in a linear logical way, but somehow it spoke to me.

I no longer plead with heaven or go rummaging in books for answers to the questions life contains
now I listen, listen
listen to this inner thing resounding in the pulsing and the pounding of my infant ancient veins.

I no longer seek-instruction from my father and my mother I have mastered all their pleasures and their pain now I listen, listen, listen to this inner thing resounding in the pulsing and the pounding of my infant ancient veins.

The feeling in my blood flow is a simple thing y'see
everything and nothing
in the parody is me
I’m the hero
I’m the villain
the beginning and the end
I’m creator
I’m destroyer
I’m the enemy the friend
I’m an animal; a spirit
flying high and falling down 
I am special
I'm important
I am sacred
I'm a clown
So I stumble through the chaos dragging clumsily behind me all the eggshells and the fish scales and the fur pelts of my past while this thing goes on inside me at one with all the vastness the fantasies and fictions., and when all the contradictions come together: come together they will fit.

The feeling in my blood flow is a simple thing y'see I am it, I am it
we are everything and nothing, but that's how to play the game in these weather beaten bodies, with these god-forsaken brains we can listen, listen, listen to the universe resounding in the pulsing and the pounding, of our infant ancient veins listen, listen,listen and it all begins to fit you are it… you are it.

Dori Previn


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