The guides remind us: “This is a process. This is not magic, but this is done when it is done” I was reminded of Yogi Berra when he said it ain't over until it's over. You see, the mind, the thinking mind is always looking one step or perhaps more than one step ahead. That is simply the way is made. It is made in some ways to be dissatisfied, so it is constantly looking, constantly searching. The soul or your spiritual nature is in a different place. It also is continually moving forward, but instead of moving forward out of the sense of necessity or frustration, it moves forward in love because that is its purpose. It does not perceive its present state as being lacking in anything. It accepts and embraces its present state in the perfection that it is at this moment. In that that in grace, in that awareness, in that acceptance is the key to moving forward. The guides also remind us that "You can choose differently" ACIM states the same thing, “You can choos...