p. 190-194

“Now when we say this, “I am Word through the one before me,” you are actually serving that aspect of the person before you that requires healing. “I am Word through my friend’s liver.” “I am Word through my friend’s eyesight.” “I am Word through my friend’s heart, Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word” supports them in receiving frequency where it is needed. It does not require touch; it requires intention. And as this happens, the frequency in the body of your friend goes into receptivity and the energy is sent and dispersed by that person to where it is intended to go.
Now understand this. When you send the energy in healing through intention, “I am Word through the one before me,” where the energy goes is the energy’s business. You are not in charge of dictating the passage of this frequency. Allow the frequency to do what it needs to do in order to move and realign those aspects of those persons’ self that require a higher vibration in order to heal them.”

It is all about thought and frequency. Now when we are working on ourselves, we can send those positive vibrations to particular areas of the body and get a sense of that frequency, that love resonating there. Ideally we will let go of our supposed results and let the Divine source of that energy do its work.

When working with another however we need to let go completely of what we think should happen.

Much of the final part of this chapter is about non-separation and the continual realization that we are all One and that nothing is done in isolation. The continual mantra of “I am Word through all I see before me” is a way of reinforcing this sense of Oneness and also a way of reminding me that my thoughts are always creating.

And so I can create a distance or separation. Even though that is an illusion, I can still create a sense of distance or separation which obviously is a low vibration thought. Or when I think about “I am Word through all I see before me” I can rejoice in the connection and know again that nothing happens in the vacuum.

Again it is important here to recognize that the knowing that is spoken is an experience so when we say: 
“I am Word through my knowing of myself as standing in my knowing as a Divine Being. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

We are recognizing ourselves as being in touch with the Divine nature that we are. Now you might ask “How do know that I know?” And what I would suggest is that this is a sense of confusion coming from my ego consciousness. My small self will always question my larger yourself, basically because it cannot comprehend or understand the larger self. So again this is not about bashing the ego, but it is about recognizing and honoring your own inner knowing.

“Once you get to the point when you are truly able to see that God is everything in material form, that it is all just stuff and it is all divine, you will have achieved a level of awareness that few can claim. It is there for you now. We are taking you on a journey so you can see that who you are is a manifestation of divine energy and consciousness.”

Whenever I read a piece like the above my thinking automatically goes to a place where I say to myself “I am not there yet.” But I have begun to recognize how subtly deceitful that kind of thinking is. The entire directive of this book is about affirming the truth that you might not be fully aware of, but that by affirming the truth it becomes more and more real to you. You become more and more connected to it; you become more and more aligned to it. And so we are claiming that is the truth.

“I am now in my action as a Divine Being. And I am doing as follows: As I sit in my chair, I become aware of my frequency and I allow my frequency to begin to lift an octave in each breath I take. I am Word through my being. Word I am Word. I am Word through my vibration. Word I am Word. I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word.”

No matter what objections your small self might come up with, I affirm this as being true. And we will close this the way the guides to close this chapter.

“And now, as you lift in frequency, we want you to begin to align in your knowing to the truth that you are an aspect of the divine.
“I am knowing myself as an aspect of God incarnated in a body. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

And as this happens, we want you to align to the frequency that is around you.
“I am Word through my oneness with my Creator. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

And allow yourself to be received by Divine Light. Receive, receive, receive, receive, receive. Feel yourself as one with that which is around you. And become aware that you are not alone.
“I am Word through those I see before me.” This is the decree that tells you that no one is alone; everyone is a part and an aspect of the Great Creator in experience and in form.
Thank you each. We will stop now for the day. Word I am Word.”


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