P. 195-199

I found the title of this chapter somewhat strange. Reprimand is not a word we normally use but you probably have discovered that many times the guides will use words we are not terribly familiar with in order for us to look at them differently. An alternative word we are familiar with that is quite similar in context is “criticize”. And when we are in criticism we are in judgment and when we are in judgment we are in separateness thinking. 

Each one of us has probably developed a very powerful inner critic. Most of us have become so used to this internal criticism that we hardly even recognize it is there anymore, but believe me even if we are not conscious of it, it is still there. Now the psychology of this is quite simple. If we grow up in an atmosphere of high criticism, we realized even as a child how hurtful that can be especially coming from those in power. And so one of the few things we could do to protect ourselves from that was to invent our own inner critic. Somehow criticizing ourselves first took out some of the sting or at least we thought that way.

Most of us have come to realize that our inner critic serves little or no purpose and that self-judgment does not correct behavior but only puts me at a lower frequency, a lower vibration. And so much of this lesson today is about disengaging from this inner critic we need to be careful about judging ourselves for being judgmental. All that does is get us trapped in the circle again. There is also a distinction that has been made in other spiritual literature and that is the distinction between judgment and discernment.

At first it might seem simply semantic in nature, but there is a huge difference. Obviously as we move through a day we have to make decisions. What is being suggested here is that we make decisions with our heart, with our inner knowing and understanding. Decisions are made from awareness rather than the dictates of society.

What we call judgment is always going to be a reflection of duality— right/wrong; good/bad; black/white. Discernment is based on being prayerfully aware and open to the next right thing, the next thing I need to do. Discernment does not make other things bad, it is simply the realization of what is best for me at this moment.

Being in discernment may also be looked at as being in the flow. Being in judgment whether that is of ourselves or of others takes us out of the flow. It puts us in the illusion of isolation, and it might take some time to "Get back in the river"

There are other ways to express a similar idea—being awake or being asleep— or being aware or unaware.

We are being asked to look at some old patterns of thought that have kept us in judgment and kept us in the illusion of separateness and to open ourselves to begin to transform them. We might even find that we are resistant to letting go of some of these old patterns. That can be a powerful realization because then I can look even more deeply into my attachment to a particular pattern of thought behavior and realized that I have probably created this in order to be safe or at least to create the illusion of safety. And so you can see where the difficulty lies. When a pattern of thought or behavior carries with it the idea that “I will keep you safe” then the converse would be true that I would not be safe without this pattern of thought or behavior. So there are obviously some things here that need change within ourselves.

It is certainly a message from the Creator who tells us that we are perfectly safe no matter what we might be thinking no matter what the situation might be.  We are often told and it is reinforced for us that “nothing of importance can be taken away from you”. What I am going to do is include this entire last section from the book because I think it offers us a solution or solutions in much better ways than I possibly could.

“We tell you this so you can stop it. But like anything else, this will require your becoming aware and then realigning in frequency to this teaching. In this time, you have an opportunity to change your patterning and to do it rapidly.
Now the first way to do it, as we said, is to see where you stand in judgment or in reprimand. As you are operating from this, you can ask for a way, if you wish, to know. Ask your own knowing, that aspect of yourself that knows, to teach you. “Where am I in judgment? Where am I in reprimand? And where am I stopping myself from the flow of the river? Where do I go now?” Ask yourself. We are going to teach you more as this book progresses about how to operate from your knowing systematically as you hear your own thoughts. But for the time being, whatever you get in terms of response is appropriate to your learning.
So once you understand where you are doing this, operating from reprimand and judgment, you can ask yourself: Why? Where am I frightened? What am I protecting? Why do I need this? What does this get me? You will see very fast that what it gets you is separation. And understand this: You can sit on the riverbank for a long, long time before you realize that this is why you are there. And understand this, please: The longer you sit on the side of the river, the longer the illusion lasts that you are separate, the more the river appears to recede from consciousness until the time you forget that it was ever there. Understand this: This is always your choice.”


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