The guides remind us: “This is a process. This is not magic, but this is done when it is done”
I was reminded of Yogi Berra when he said it ain't over until it's over. You see, the mind, the thinking mind is always looking one step or perhaps more than one step ahead. That is simply the way is made. It is made in some ways to be dissatisfied, so it is constantly looking, constantly searching. The soul or your spiritual nature is in a different place. It also is continually moving forward, but instead of moving forward out of the sense of necessity or frustration, it moves forward in love because that is its purpose. It does not perceive its present state as being lacking in anything. It accepts and embraces its present state in the perfection that it is at this moment. In that that in grace, in that awareness, in that acceptance is the key to moving forward.
The guides also remind us that "You can choose differently" ACIM states the same thing, “You can choose differently; you can choose once again,” and then the book follows up with the questions:“Are you willing to? Do you wish to? ” and here again we are presented with the combined energies of willingness and intention. We are being asked, we are being challenged to choose love over separateness, to begin to choose, to release all that keeps us in separateness. All those thoughts, all those desires, all those habits of thought and action that produce judgment, fear and separateness thinking.
The book repeats a statement which comes many times in many places “You are an aspect of God” and by being an aspect of God you choose to love as God loves unconditionally.
Now I have been through teachings like this many times and what puzzles me the most is when I ask myself the question “How do I know. Do I have to feel it?”
Here again I believe we focus on the combined energies of willingness and intention. “I am willing to see with the eyes of the Christ. I am willing to love unconditionally. I am choosing to open my heart to release anger fear and judgment.” To me that is the essence of much of this teaching. I might not feel it emotionally, but I can literally know when my heart is in the right place, when I am choosing love over fear.
As we have mentioned before we speak about loving another—this is not about loving the personality self. It is about loving the essence, the Godness of who they are. And of course I cannot see or love that way unless I am willing to be aware of that Godness within myself.
“I see all before me with the eyes of love. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.” When I say that to myself or out loud I am confirming a truth that already exists. I am affirming a choice and I am making. Again, that might not be reflected in my feelings or my emotions at least not right away, but is the choice that I am making and I can always make that choice.
“I see all that I see before me with the eyes of the Christ. I see all that I see before me in love. I see all that I see before me in Divine Love and healing. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
When people ask me to pray for them or for a particular intention, the image and the words that come to mind are “I will hold you in the light.” And what that means to me is that “I will hold you in perfection. I will hold your intention in its perfection. I will not be praying for something to happen; I will be praying for the truth that already exist— the perfection that already exists that it might come into my awareness and that I might embrace it is the truth.” To put that in the language of the frequency and vibration when I do that, when I hold you in the light, I am raising you up, raising your consciousness, raising your vibration and that is another way of perceiving the idea of healing. Healing is a reflection of the higher frequency of perfection of who and what you truly are.
We are again reminded that the text is a physical book and the words that are used cannot be understood on many different levels including the intellectual, but that there is also an invisible piece of work is happening here. That the book itself and teachings therein create an energy field that is also raising our vibration as we participate in it.
An image that came to my mind as we closed with a meditation was as if we were standing in the middle of the circle and we were surrounded by these loving beings of light who were not only teaching us with words but were beaming that light to us, beaming that energy to us and almost as if they were chanting or making that secret sound “OM” and we we were there participating in that vibration absorbing that on every level of our being. And I was reminded that this is happening all the time already whether we are reading the book or not.
“I am now choosing to acknowledge myself as an aspect of Source, an aspect of the Creator, and I am willing, now, to become one in my awareness with my knowing of this in truth. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
Mention of something called a healthy ego, but it is interesting that is not pursued, what is reflected upon is the ego that we normally contend with which is not terribly healthy. And simply put that is the part of ourselves that has been trained so diligently to believe in separation and therefore will revolt in some ways against Any attempt to remove that separation. Another aspect of egotism that can creep in here is when you begin to realize that you are an aspect of God, that you could begin to start thinking of yourself as being better than anybody else. Even though many of us may refuse that thought it still can be rather subtle as we look at ourselves on the spiritual path and all the work we are doing and subtly begin to think of ourselves as being superior to another. This is never true.
“Do not confuse this for a moment with our saying you are God and there is no other. You are an aspect of God, as is everyone else. And the moment you see yourself as this and you decide that someone else is not is when you stand on the riverbank again and you are without flow.”
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