Well, this was one of those days we never got to the book. I apologize if that was inconvenience or annoyance but I am presuming we all felt necessity to explore some issues. The discussion began by exploring our realization of how we are sometimes aware and awake and other times we are unaware or asleep. We all recognized the significance of this especially in the light of the intense extremes many of us are experiencing. For instance when we are asleep or unaware it is so easy to be caught up in fear and separateness and not realize that by our focus on these forms of negativity, we are adding to that anger and fear that we are attempting to avoid. So two major areas arose are exploration: one was how do we stay more aware and awake; the second was what do I do when I awaken from a period of unawareness. Let me approach the second one. I believe that a big part of our experience here on planet Earth is that we will go through periods of awareness and unawareness, ...