p. 235-239

It finally dawned on me a way to summarize this chapter: Even though we are speaking about feeling frequencies, getting vibrations and messages from other people and even traveling to different dimensions, essentially what we are speaking is the expansion of the awareness of who you are.

As we begin many of our meditations with the truth, “You have a body but you are not your body; you have a mind but you're not your mind; you have feelings but you are not your feelings; you are more than all of that.” That suggests to us that we do have an awareness being much more than our bodies, our thoughts and our emotions.

Now the challenge is to live in that state of awareness or at least to live in it more than we normally do. We all recognize how easy it is to slip into identification with a particular role even if that role happens to be standing in line. Now obviously, we are not thinking or saying to ourselves “Here I am, a person just standing in line,” but that is what our thoughts and feelings about ourselves are occupied with “How long is this going to take; how many items does she have in her cart; I wodner what the Enquirer is saying?” and on and on). 

Now the roles in our lives are not to be discarded; they serve a purpose.

If you are a schoolteacher for instance, when you walk into your classroom it is necessary for you to be a schoolteacher (rather than a singer or dancer or cook or photographer or …), but also when you go home it might not be a good idea to be a schoolteacher you might need to be mom or dad. So the roles we have life are sort of like clothes or a uniform we wear and we can take them off and put them on as we wish, but none of these roles are essential to our being nor are they a true definition of who we are.

I had an example that the holidays. My two youngest grandkids started calling me Gerry instead of Granmpa Gerry. Now I could have taken offense with that, but it really didn't bother me that much. It did, however, catch my attention. Simply by being addressed in different way, outside of the older model, I realized that there was a shift in our relationship that it was much more person-to-person rather than particular role grandfather and grandchild.

The other piece of information that came to me as I sat with this lesson is that on some level of being we are aware of energy, frequency, vibration, other dimensions, and we participate in those realities without even thinking about it. The easiest example to comprehend is daydreaming. We sometimes think of that I as simply our mind wandering off and many times that might be true. But there are other times when we might be thinking about another person or we are projecting future events and we really are influencing tapping into the energy around us.

When we speak of other dimensions that might sound very far out, but the two dimensions we travel in beyond the three dimensions we live in, are time and space. And again we do this quite often. Perhaps in a negative way we might think about the past and something we feel badly about and then we can dredge up that feeling and we might experience it just as strongly as we did when it first occurred. Too bad we don't do that very much for good feelings but we can. 

We can also think about an event and decide how we could've done that differently or even how we can hold it differently today and that is some powerful energy transformation.

We can also think of another who is miles miles and miles away and still be very very close to them. Love them; feel their love; feel love our for them.

So rather than getting into repeating much of what the book has already said, I would suggest that in the coming week we give ourselves the opportunity to spend some time in awareness of who we are Beyond our bodies; Beyond our minds; Beyond our feelings.


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