We spent a good bit of time discussing these ideas of perception, manifestation and the perception of the world we live in the difference between acceptance and victimhood.

There are no certain rules for one or the other. Most of the time it is necessary to discern or ask for guidance from the Spirit as a particular situation arises.

I believe that the message of Jesus of “Turning the other cheek walks very fine balance between judgment, blame violence and victimhood. Of course on the other side of that picture it is noting what is said in The Course—“That every human interaction is either an act of love or a cry for help.”

How do I respond to a cry for help without becoming a victim to it. And you see there is no clear-cut answer to that either. We could talk about all sorts of possible scenarios, “What should I do in a particular situation? But, first of all, none of us knows how we would react in a particular situation unless we are confronted with it. So most of these questions are more mental gymnastics than they are really getting to the root of things.

We do know that raising the level of perception and vibration does change things. It changes others as well as ourselves, but mostly ourselves. We have all had the experience of asking for the grace of seeing another as they truly are so that we might be relieved of judgment, fear or any other form of separateness. And we have noticed as we see them differently, seemingly they change. Now we know it is not necessarily them that is changing however, when I raise my own vibration, I cannot help it raise the vibration of those close to me, and then my perception of how I see them changes as well. So there is a lot of overlap here. It is not my conscious choice to manipulate someone else and you see here is where it gets a little bit tricky. I'm not raising my vibration so I can raise yours, because that walks an almost impossible line between my sense of compassion and my sense of judgment. I am raising my vibration because I choose to; I choose to be in love rather than in fear or r in separateness. Wha that does for you is your business.

With many of these questions, one of the many things that became very clear was that we are attempting to solve or heal spiritual problems or difficulties by material means. That never works. Just for example, after the Holocaust, we created the state of Israel. How did that turn out? How many more problems were created in terms of separateness and violence than were solved. To the thinking mind that seem to be a solution and it wasn't.

The Berlin wall comes down; Soviet Union collapses. We think all our enemies are gone; we no longer have that problem. That is a manifestation of something in the material world and yet the spiritual problem of separateness or violence or needing to be safe still exists. So what arose from the ashes of those other things were ISIS, war in Syria, nuclear weapons in North Korea, etc. Reminding us again that attempting to solve spiritual problems with material means just does not work.

“Today we want to talk about the intellect, briefly, and the intellect’s role as an organizing principle and as a computer that sorts through issues and assists you in coming to terms with those things that you require. Now we are praising the intellect, we are not diminishing it. However, we want you to understand that when you work in frequency you are bypassing the intellect and you are working with yourself as energy in consciousness. Which quite simply means that the language that you would give may be limiting to your experience. And as you decide, as you will decide to become open-minded—“open-minded” means the mind is open—you will see very quickly that you can expand in consciousness to adhere to the principles we will be speaking of.”

This does not mean we ignore what is happening in the physical world. we are asked to be aware of what is happening in the physical world, the material world is an out- picturing of what might be out of balance in our spiritual world. There might still be many things in the in the physical world we need to change or transform or work with. But we need to recall t changing those problems does not necessarily change the cause of those problems.

We can even begin to look at some of those examples that we use quite often—let us say Martin Luther King and civil rights. A big part of that movement started by a tiny little lady by the name of Rosa Parks who sat in front of the bus and refused to move. No violence, no overthrows, no walls coming down, and yet she was one of the focal points for one of the greatest movements in American history. What other people did was essentially carry her banner.

Gandhi was the leader of the independence movement in India as well as being a saintly and spiritual person. Much of what turned things around or in essence broke the back of the British Empire was carried out by simple dedicated people who raised their awareness beyond the physical. Crowds of Indians would stand in the front line and be beaten by the police and the soldiers. When they were knocked down another row people would come and take their place. One after the other, after the other stepped up until the soldiers and the police simply could not do it anymore.

This does not deny the people or places or things that need to be addressed and yet it begins to show where the real spiritual power is that provides the impetus the energy for these changes.

It was also noted wonderfully this morning when we are in a place of confusion or conflict that our belief system or our value system becomes somewhat skewed or distorted or very very limited. When I am in a place of expansion, or as someone stated, in a state of “brilliance,” then my ability to choose, and what I can choose or have the capability of choosing becomes greatly expanded. Notice there is no blame or judgment here, there is simply awareness.

The way I heard it explained by I believe was Richard Carlson in one of his books ( he’s the guy wrote Don't Sweat the Small Stuff). I believe the way he put it was “When we are in a down frame of mind our vision becomes distorted.” That is very very simple and yet very very profound, that when I am in it down or depressed or negative or low vibrational state of mind, my perception and my ability to choose and the types of choices that I have, becomes very very limited. When I am in a higher vibration of thought my perception and my ability to choose and the choices that are available to me, become much greater.

Another wonderful point of view that came into the forefront this morning was the difference between reacting and responding. When I react it is reflexive and I must admit that most of my reflexes are the result or the culmination old self-centered habits, ones that are more aligned with ego consciousness rather than spiritual consciousness. When I respond I am making a conscious choice. And when I begin to make conscious choices I am creating a new way to respond.

There was an incident in her life which reflected some of the class material as well at one point she was getting a ride from someone the next time I almost immediately when she got into the vehicle because she was so sensitive to vibration that she knew that this man wanted to rape and kill her. She also knew that if she reacted in fear that that inevitably was what was going to happen. So she knew that she needed to hold this man in the situation and the highest light and vibration possible which she did from a place of both observation and higher vibration. And by doing so she was safe herself, but also contributed to the blessing of this  other soul.

Now we sing to you in frequency. We sing to you in our knowing. We sing to you in the blessed action of God saying, “How about it, everyone? It’s time to come home to yourselves as you are! It’s time to remember what you came for! And it’s time to remember why you stand in your body and see your fellows in love!”
We are working with you. We table the things that are not required to get to the real work at hand. The first two books of this text have been in preparation for what we are doing now, and that is the joy of consciousness inhabiting in form.”

I can choose to react to go with my learned instincts which usually will support the idea separateness or I can do as the course reminds me I can choose once again I can choose differently choosing differently as a response rather than reaction. 

We spoke of the example of that wonderful lady peace program. Who dedicated her life to peacefulness and promised herself and the world that she would walk the earth and open herself to the kindness and sharing and compassion of others for food or shelter for all of her needs. She did nothing of what the material world might call heroic and yet I often think of her example as well as the higher vibration she is raised in all of us.

So all of this leaves us the choice the choice in awareness of choosing love over fear and as simple as that formula might sound that might be one of the best ways to put into our awareness do I choose love or do I choose fear. And love is a high vibration is never going to be about victimhood never.

“Now we will tell you that as we go forward, we will have to demonstrate to you the requirements of these changes. Of course we will teach you and we will lecture to you as we are required. There are things you still need to know about being in relation, about working in frequency, about conscious action and decision in knowing, and we will teach you. But we require you now to begin to have an experience of yourselves as frequency. The proof of all this work we have done is in you and is in your ability to stand in your light and say, “Yes, I am in my light. I express it and I know it.”

Jamie asked that this poem be included.
I would suggest that “habit” is also equated with reaction. And this is what most of us are being called to be aware of. Many of us live our lives in reaction.
We are about is creating a whole new set of responses—to respond in love rather than fear.

The Habit Poem
I am your constant companion.
I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure.
I am completely at your command.
Half of the things you do you might as well turn over to me and I will do them - quickly and correctly.
I am easily managed - you must be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons, I will do it automatically.
I am the servant of great people,
and alas, of all failures as well.
Those who are great, I have made great. Those who are failures, I have made failures.
I am not a machine though
I work with the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a person.
You may run me for profit or run me for ruin - it makes no difference to me.
Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet.
Be easy with me and I will destroy you. Who am I? I am Habit.
I am sure there came a time for Mother Teresa and like minded “saints” were it become effortless to see the face of Christ in others. 

I’m still working on that one.


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