We shared a recoding of a Ram Dass talk which i will attach a link of here.

The conclusion of the talk brought us to a similar place where we ended last week,.

“It’s actually a way of your releasing your attachment to the past and living in the empty space that will then be filled with truth.”

Such a beautiful, powerful passage.

The final section of Day Twenty-One explores language. It was suggested in the beginning of this series that the original title and continuing teaching would be “I Am Word.” Some people objected to that phraseology; others demanded an  intellectual explanation. I believe the story that Paul tells offers the simplest and best clarification. 
As he tuned into the Guides (or they tuned into him) it was suggested that he buy a copy of the Jerusalem Bible and to read the beginning part of John's Gospel.
Paul relates that he was not even sure is such a book existed. Well it did, and the first words that he read were, 

“In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God and the Word was God.
2 He was with God in the beginning.
3 Through him all things came into being, not one thing came into being except through him.
4 What has come into being in him was life, life that was the light of men;
5 and light shines in darkness, and darkness could not overpower it.”

What this book we are studying is about is identifying and claiming your alignment with what is referred to as Word. We are not looking for any other definitions or even explanations. Definitions and explanations reflect the needs of the thinking mind. These lessons here are messages directed towards your soul and go beyond the understanding of mere words.

I believe the last parts of this section can open us to this deeper reality:

“Please do not get caught up in language; it is a diminishing of meaning. When people fight about the meaning of something, they are often losing the intent behind it for the sake of the debate. So please understand this: The meaning behind this is God, an aspect of God coming into form in man. If the word “God” does not work for you, release it. “The Universe” is fine. “Source” is fine. “All That Is” is fine. “Consciousness,” if you wish, is fine. But please, please, please don’t stand in the door to the party and think you cannot come in because you are wearing the wrong clothes. All are welcomed here. All are coming in one language or another, in one form or another, through one system or another to this same place.
“I am in my knowing that I am one with a Creator, a frequency, whatever you wish to call it, that unifies me with all that I see before me, and I am one with my brother in love. I am Word through this knowing of myself as one with my brother in love. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word[.”

“We marvel at you, you know. You may not know this, but we are amazed by your beauty, and we are amazed by the gifts you bring and we celebrate you, each and every one of you, in your unique beauty. We are in love with you, and this is our testament to you. We gift you now with the understanding and the recognition of your own remembrance as the loved one.
“I am Word through those I see before me. I am Word through the love I see before me. And I am blessed in my knowing. Word I am Word.”

Peace. Thank you all for the grace of sharing this work.

Link to Ram Dass talk:


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