P. 113-116
Years ago there was a bumper sticker that read, “Question Authority.” I think that would be a good working title for this section. “Why am I doing what I am doing?”
Now the thing here is not about not doing what you are doing—it is about Awareness. Am I just doing what I am doing because it is the norm; or I do not want to be criticized or look different? Am I just doing it because this is the way you are supposed to do things?
I’m reminded of the infamous parental dictate we all heard one way or another when we are attempting to justify a certain behavior—“Well, if Tommy (or Jane) jumped off the Empire State Building would you?” As a annoying as that was, most of us would have to confess that we probably would not—In other words our behavior at that moment was dictated much more by what the crowd was doing rather than our own free choice.
Now, this is not always totally simple. For instance, I am writing this lesson now for many reasons. I told you I would; I think I am supposed to(I have a contract to fulfill); I don’t want you to be annoyed at me if I don’t ; I enjoy doing it because it makes me think, etc. Some of these reasons are rather fickle and some are not; some are based on what others might think and some are much more about honoring a commitment.
One way we can become mare aware is by asking ourselves if we are REACTING to a person or situation or if we are consciously choosing to respond in a certain way.
Although this is not simple or easy, an intuitive method I have found helpful is to keep in mind the wonderful maxim from Augustine, “Love God and do what you please!” Now the ego is going to latch onto the last part of that and feed you the message that freedom means doing anything you want to do—or better said, anything the ego wants to do. BUT then we have to consider the first part of that statement “Love God,” which also includes loving your neighbor!
I was a bit taken aback with the challenging statement on p. 114:
“You have all forgotten who you are on such a level that the cataclysms that you might create in order to wake yourselves up are such that we are interfering, and we are saying, “Guess what, everybody? You are all individual aspects of the same God. You are all manifested in perfect divinity and you have forgotten. And we beg you now, we beg you now, wake up to the truth of what, of who you are and are intended to be.”
I thought to myself, “What is it going to take?” We had “the war to end all wars” that didn’t work; then Hitler’s Germany; that didn’t work; bringing ourselves to the brink of nuclear annihilation-that didn’t work!
The guides are not suggesting that we give up our free will, but like loving parents they are showing us another way—but we have to become actively involved in that choice and that action.
“I am now willing to be in my awakening. I am now willing to stand in my truth. And I am choosing, choosing, choosing to listen to the Christ within me who will carry me to my appointed destiny. I am knowing myself as an aspect of the Divine. I am knowing myself as an aspect of the Christ embodied. And I am believing in my worth as a Divine Being.”
This is a challenging time. Let’s all wake up!
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