This was a fascinating lesson today. It explored how we create or adopt patterns of thought and behavior, and how these patterns become an energy by themselves, and can influence us in many ways. Of course we could also speak of higher energy patterns that also have a life of their own and can influence us in very positive ways. Here we are being challenged to ask ourselves, "How free am I?" There might be many times when I think I am making a perfectly free choice uninfluenced by anyone or anything else, but that is not always going to be the case. How many of us have been influenced by patterns of behavior created by our parents, government, religion, society in general? The object here is not to judge these, but become aware. I might still choose to act in a particular way, but we can do so because it is the correct thing for us to do, rather than out of fear. The lesson begins: We will tell you this again: You believe that if you are yourselves in...