This was a fascinating lesson today. It explored how we create or adopt patterns of thought and behavior, and how these patterns become an energy by themselves, and can influence us in many ways. 
Of course we could also speak of higher energy patterns that also have a life of their own and can influence us in very positive ways.

Here we are being challenged to ask ourselves, "How free am I?" There might be many times when I think I am making a perfectly free choice uninfluenced by anyone or anything else, but that is not always going to be the case.
How many of us have been influenced by patterns of behavior created by our parents, government, religion, society in general?

The object here is not to judge these, but become aware. I might still choose to act in a particular way, but we can do so because it is the correct thing for us to do, rather than out of fear.

The lesson begins: 

We will tell you this again: You believe that if you are yourselves in your fullness, you will be punished. Now we will tell you where this comes from. This comes from a matrix that has been agreed upon by you all for thousands of years. It is the matrix of fear and it is the disassembling of this that we are working towards now. Where does this come from? Why is there this thing?

I thought of the Garden of Eden myth that could be interpreted as exemplifying this. Man was told he could not eat of a certain tree, but the serpent said, "Yahweh doesn't want you to eat that, if you do you will become like him." Or the Tower of Babel story when the people were literally building a "Stairway to Heaven." And then we were punished and condemned for our efforts. 

Jesus continues to be a great example of claiming your truth and recognizing your Oneness with the Father.

What would it be like to know/to realize/to practice being without limits. Go ahead, walk on water; shine like Jesus did at the Transfiguration.


We live in a world of energy/frequency/vibration. We are becoming more and more aware of that. We've all experienced walking into a place or being with a person or group of people that resonated as "bad vibes." We then had a choice to stays or to leave.
But what about the times when we were still affected by those "bad vibes" but were not conscious of it? Think of how those times might have affected our moods or interaction with others and our whole energy level.

When we "feed" a particular pattern of thought we contribute to creating an energy or vibration that begins to exist on its own, that can affect us in various ways.
A very simple example of that is walking into an older church or temple. The "vibrations" of quiet and holiness are in the walls, in the air. We are touched and moved by them. Centuries of positive energy and vibration have contributed to that. What is also interesting to note is that if we were to introduce a disruptive energy into that system, it might cause a momentary degree of annoyance and negativity, but then the energy would move back to that space of peacefulness and quiet very quickly. 

I believe that could be true for each of us as well.

“I am now choosing to live my life in accordance with my higher knowing. I am now choosing to liberate myself from any low-level frequencies that I may have attracted or I may have created through my fear, through my trauma, or through any interactions that I have had that may have brought this into manifestation. I am Word through this intention to stand in my freedom. Word I am Word.”

The guides tend to not get into arguments about good/bad; real/unreal. Their stated intention is to enhance Oneness rather than encourage duality. 

We will not talk about frequency in terms of good or bad or good or evil. What that does, frankly, is compound a belief in separation, and it also compounds the systems that would strengthen a belief in the power of negativity. We are actually rising above it. And that is not engagement. When you engage with something in consciousness you are activating it, and then you move into congruence with it. And if it’s a low-level frequency, guess what, everybody? That’s where you’re going to hang out.

Please keep in mind that the “other side” is also true. If it is a high level frequency, eg. love, joy, peace, Oneness/non-judgment, then that is where you are going to hang out!

We are not “stuck” with these low-energy patterns we might have adopted or created. Healing is always possible. And healing is not about beating up on what we think is the problem.

You have all had very low frequency at different times in your life. And many of you have had interactions with low-level frequency that can actually manifest in many kinds of behavior and yes, we will say that will include much addictive or compulsive activity which then seeks to replicate itself through your energies. That is why when you let go of an attribute of the self that has been in manifestation that seeks to control, you can sometimes engage with a bit of a battle. But we are telling you that battling an addiction or a compulsive behavior has never healed it. Acclimating to it, accepting it, and then rising above it in consciousness to the place where your energy frequency can no longer contain it is the freedom you need.

We will continue to explore FREEDOM in our next gathering.

I was reminded of Ram Dass speaking of the purpose of life, and he stated that for years he thought it was all about getting high, not just with drugs, but with meditation or service, etc. But then he realized that getting high had its own set of rules of what you had to do and what you had to avoid. He came to the conclusion that the ultimate purpose is to be free.
There are no rules—and then the ego says, “Well does that mean I can do whatever I want?" and the answer is “Yes”, but not the way the ego expects. It is more a reflection of that wonderful directive from Augustine, “Love God and do as you please.” And see when we are in the higher vibration of loving God, then all we will do will be loving.


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