P. 124-137
We covered quite a bit of ground with this lesson—(probably because I kept my reflections very brief). I wanted to keep some cohesiveness between the end of this chapter and the beginning of the next.
No matter if our thoughts are about Oneness or separation, we are always creating. So we are asked to look at the world around us and see what we are creating and then decide if we want to continue with that or create something different? We are responsible as individual consciousness and as a group consciousness.
Here is the essential choice we make each moment:
“The embodiment of the self as love is the goal. It is the true goal. It is the blessed manifestation of God’s gift to man, to be in accordance and congruence with that level of frequency. This is not a simple thing necessarily, but if it were not achievable, we would not give you this text in order to begin to get there. We would find some other way of manifesting a system for you that would help you along. But will we say it can’t be done? Absolutely not. But you are the one doing it through active choice, and through choice in your conscious awareness.”
The book uses the concept of alignment quite often here. We can be in alignment/agreement with fear, love, many things. This is much more than an intellectual concept or idea, and it is much more than a feeling.
We can know when we are in alignment with fear—yes, we can “feel” it—you can know it in your body, you can feel your gut clinch, your heart close, your bowels get watery, etc. You can look at your thoughts and notice they are all reflective of lack or scarcity. So there is a knowing here that comes from many different directions that let you know you are in alignment/in agreement with the frequency/vibration of fear.
We could give a similar example of alignment to the energies of love. My heart is open; I experience myself as free, my thoughts are free and open, my ability to choose is much broader than it might have been before.
So when I choose to be in alignment with a certain frequency, I am opening myself up to that energy, and by doing os I am affected by it.
Now so much of this lesson and others is about knowing who you are and being in alignment and agreement with that.
Part of that process is examining and releasing those old identifications; those things I think I am.
Our identification and realization of some of our “little” identities is not all bad.
“When you release an aspect of the self that has been held in darkness, opening a closet, as it were, as we spoke to you about in our prologue, you liberate that energy, you liberate that darkness, and it is transformed by the light it is exposed to. When you bring forth the Word in frequency, it informs structures much in the same manner. You are turning the light on, and that which has been held in darkness is suddenly revealed for what it is: a simple creation of fear that is time to move on.”
“In fact, once you are able to identify it as what it is, it loses eighty percent of its power. You see it as the imposter. “Oh my gosh, this thing that I’ve been operating from all this is time is only a construct created by my beliefs that is operating with the sole purpose of sustaining itself and keeping me from my liberation. I can release this now, because I know who I am as a Divine Being.”
“I am Word through this thing I now see is my creation. And I am choosing to release it to the light with the assistance of my guides and my teachers, in the name of the Living Light. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
Once we have examined, accepted and begun to let go of the patterns we have adopted or created that control us, then we are asked to become aware of those patterns of thought and behavior we have adopted or created which control others.
That means all the big and little passive-aggressive patterns of thoughts and behaviors that have become part of our lives—all those heavy sighs, those nasty looks, those thoughts and spoken word that blame others, all that anger and fear that gets projected outward, all of our victim consciousness.
What’s left of me you might ask????
“We are going to ask you now to respond to a question. We would ask you, what does it mean to you to embody yourself as your Divine Self? What does it mean?
We want to be very clear for each of you to know that this is not about abandoning the self that you are. It’s about reclaiming the self that you are. And if any of you are operating on the presumption that at the end of this path you will not be there, you are very mistaken. Self-abnegation is the antithesis of the work that we are doing with you. This is about self-love and the understanding of the self as the one who stands in her dominion. So why you are doing this must become conscious as well.”
You have probably heard me harp on this theme before, but I think it is stated by the guides in very clear and definite terms:
“Now believing yourself to be out of love, or out of alignment, with the Creator has the immediate effect of moving your consciousness a step out of the way to the bank of the river, as it were. Now in fact that is only a false construct. You are always in frequency, you are always an aspect of the Creator, but your sense of flow and being in alignment with the frequency can shift and does shift depending on your availability to be in alignment with it. Now alignment, we will say again, is your congruence with it in frequency.”
In other words, you cannot be “out of love” no matter how you might feel or no matter what might be going on inside or outside of you.
The guides are using the image of water/THE RIVER here as a metaphor of being in the flow/being in the Love/being in the truth of who you are.
To extend that image a little more—we are begin giving swimming lessons, and the lessons we are being given are in accord with our present skill level. So if I need to be in shallow end with a kick board, that is where I will be doing my learning. I will not be thrown in the deep end, nor will I be pushed there until I am ready. Now I might yearn to be in the upper classes, but I will realize I need to master the shallow end before I go into deeper waters.
In imagining of the role of the guides I was also thinking of that wonderful description of John the Baptist who came to “make the crooked ways straight and the rough ways smooth.” So the guides are not making us do anything or “pushing” us, but in their own way they are making the road easier to travel, or making the river easier to navigate.
“So now you look around and you acknowledge it. And you decide in this moment to take responsibility for it.
“I am seeing what I have created. I understand that I chose these things. And I witness them as they are, as manifestations, out-picturings of my consciousness. And as I allow this knowing, I allow myself to release those things that I no longer require to tether me, to keep me on this riverbank of self-identity. I allow myself to release those things that require releasing in order to free me from my past creations. As I do this, I move out of fear in the knowing that my Higher Self, my Conscious Self, the Christ within me, will provide me with all that I need in order to make myself whole. I am now choosing to release the past in significant ways that will allow me to embark on this next stage of my journey.”
As we say this with you, we see you moving into your awareness of your own freedom, of your own sense of releasing those ties, those attachments, those beliefs that have kept you tethered to a history of self-abnegation, tethered to a history of self-abnegation, of control, and of suppression by outside authority. All of these things now are to be witnessed and to be seen for what they are: systems of fear out-pictured. Systems of control accepted. And these are now being released in Word.
“I now set this intention: I am now choosing to release myself from all binding structures that are tethering me to systems of control and fear in consciousness. As I take responsibility for my creations I see that I am the one in charge, and have the ability and the freedom to release them in love. I am Word through this intention to release those things that bind me to fear and to control. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
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