Combined Lesson from 7/7 & 7/14

p. 148-155

The essence of freedom is the freedom to choose. So many of our choices are based on impulse or reaction, mental and behavioral “programed” responses that we inherited or cultivated ourselves for whatever reasons.

One of the primary teachings here is to start being aware of when we are simply responding out of habit rather than free choice. In other words to make our freedom conscious.

A lesson that is up for me as I am doing this work is that fear need not be confronted or challenged, simply recognized and then taken to prayer to be released. 
“Release me from this thought of fear, scarcity, separation and let me know that it is so.”

“I am now choosing to experience myself as free.”

It is only the mind that wants to make this complicated. 
“Now understand this: If you believe yourself to be handicapped, and we use that word in the broadest sense, you will be. But always, always, always understand that conscious choice will choose the higher way of self-identifying. And we say those things that you perceive yourself to be out of your freedom in limitation with can be transformed, first in consciousness, and then through the out-picturing of your experience as a free man, woman, being of Christ, of conscious intention: “I am Word through my knowing of myself as free.”

A wonderful scene from The Empire Strikes Back presents a dialogue between Luke and Yoda. Luke has just attempted lifting his space ship from a mucky swamp by using the Force. He almost makes it, but the ship sinks back down again. Then little Yoda lifts the ship and transfers it to dry land. Luke looks on and says, “ I don’t believe it.” Yoda shakes his head sadly and replies, “That’s why you fail.”

Even though our ego/little consciousness plays a role here and it is perfectly fine to want and manifest nice things, that is not the point here. 

“We will tell you this. How we see you is perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect. You are perfect creations having an experience here on this plane that is teaching you and bringing you into an awareness of who and what you are in truth. So when we say, “See yourself as you truly are, hold a vision for who you are,” you would like it if we were to tell you, “You look great, you have a lot of money, you’re surrounded by loving friends and living in the home of your dreams in perfect health.”
Well, guess what, everybody. That’s your choice. That’s part of your choice, at least, as you begin to manifest in consciousness. But holding the vision of who you are in perfection means something very, very different.”

And then his beautiful prayer/affirmation:

“I am now choosing to realize and to know myself in my freedom as an aspect of the Creator in form. I am now choosing to align my energy field in full activation of my divine worth, my divine accessibility to my own information and to my awareness of my remarkable splendor. I am now choosing to see myself as beautiful in the highest way possible, which is, of course, as an aspect of the Creator in form. I am Word through my being. Word I am Word.”

This quote will lead us into the next chapter:
“Now the freedom we wish for you is a freedom of choice. You must always be in your will fully, and the highest way to be in your will is to align the will to the Divine Self so that the choices that are made are coming from a higher place.”


Divine Will is not something outside of us. Divine Will is actually an expression of our true nature. Divine Will is only perceived as restrictive by the ego.
I’m reminded of that wonderful directive from Augustine, love God and do as you please. Now the ego thinks that mens “I can do anything I want,” but it misses the “love God”part which has to include “loving my neighbor.”

So my choices are either “self-centered” or God-centered; ego-centered or Divine- centered. 

It was quite interesting when we explored the question, “How do I know that I am free?” Practically all our answers were directed towards the openness of the heart center, as opposed to a tightness or constriction when we are not free.

I am presuming we can use a similar kind of criteria with the question, “How do  I know that I am in Divine Will?” As we explore this I want to emphasize an important theme. Being in love, or free or in the Divine Will is NOT a feeling; it is a choice, and we can choose freedom and love no matter how we feel. Eventually choosing love will  adjust our feelings to those of peacefulness, openness, generosity, etc., but not necessarily right away.

“Now the center of the will, as you expect it to be, is in operation as you go about your business and make choices. “I know what I am doing, I am in my will,” and that is very, very true. And on that level we have already taught you that you must be accountable to the choices that you make and ask yourself bluntly, “Where are they coming from? Am I moving into my freedom? Am I aware of my choice as freedom, or am I acting on a basis of control or fear that I have inherited and acclimated to?” We have spent time on this and we have an expectation that this is understood by you at this juncture.”

Awareness again. Asking, examining, questioning ourselves—this is the only way we can make real choices.

“Paul is wondering, “How do I align my will with Divine Will? How is this done?” Now, Paul, we want to tell you that it is done through choice and through surrender to honoring the frequency of Word.
“I am now choosing to Word through my own will to align my will into accordance with Divine Will. I am now aligning my will in alignment with the knowing of what I require to make this so. I am choosing now to offer myself at this frequency to the higher frequency that would accord my will into agreement and into congruence with Divine Will. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”


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