In our beginning discussion a class member mentioned the 12 steps which are the cornerstone of many recovery programs—and the working of these steps as a way of eliminating fear.
A short diversion here. In my exploration of recovery, my thought is that the reason why the 12 steps work is because they encompass the essential elements that are necessary for any successful spiritual path. In fact, every spiritual path that works will have some form of these seven elements. I will not go into detail, but you can probably discern meaning behind each heading. (Surrender, Purification, Right Relationships, Living in the Here and Now, Comprehension, Living and Loving Wisely, and Authentic Being). Each one of these elements will be present no matter what path we examine—Buddhism, Hinduism, Christian Mysticism, Sufism, etc.
The chapter concludes with a continuing exploration of fear and the elimination or the rising above fear.
It is a fairly simple awareness that we can begin to know the difference between a reaction and a response. A reaction is a knee-jerk or reflexive ‘response’ to a person or situation. We might call it a programmed response with little or no thought behind it. Many of us learn a huge number of reactions that seems to be so normal to us that we never even stop to question them.
A response on the other hand requires thoughtful choice. The problem many of us run into is that even though we have consciously worked on our power of choice, we expect those knee-jerk reactions to disappear or go away. That is not always the case. What we are suggesting here is that when choice is available and we are aware of that choice then we can choose a higher vibration rather then a lower one.
What I appreciate about this is that we are not setting up another dualism here. We are not putting a good angel on one shoulder in a bad angel on the other. We are suggesting that at the moment of choice there is a higher vibration or a lower one which we can choose.
We are encouraged not to be mistaken that simply because choice is available that we will always choose the higher. Lower vibration thought or action can still be rather seductive or at least comfortable because we are used to it. For example, if we are looking for safety then keeping a closed or non-compassionate heart might be the vibration that we are drawn to or at least that might seem attractive.
“Now we will tell you today that the reason we spend so much time on this text addressing the issue of fear is because it is time for you to start living without it. And as you learn to live without it and begin to experience yourself as free, you will have a new experience of your identity and “I am standing in my knowing” is the decree we will use to teach you to learn to live without fear.”
The guides suggest that when we are “in our knowing” the choices we make are all of that higher vibration. Fear or the lower vibration does not disappear, but within our sense of awareness that lower vibration thought is no longer attractive.
We have a choice of recognizing fearful thoughts as not being true. We do not battle with them because all that we do is lend strength to those illusions.
“There is nothing to fear except that which you invest in fear. Do you understand this? We can give you lots of examples but we feel that this is apparent, and that you must each, as of today, learn to go into your knowing and respond to that information that is presented to you in order to stay strong in your foundation as the tide comes.”
The chapter closes with this text:
“As the tide rises, all is lifted. And as things lift, those things that are in lower frequency cannot rise and must be released in order to keep you afloat. So you’re all in a process now of active engagement with transformation, which is here to support you in preparation for the changes that will come. And the changes, we will say, have wonderful opportunity attached to them
As consciousness changes on a planetary scale—which is, in fact, happening already—there is residual reaction and, as we said before, that is to try to hold onto the known and make sure that it stays. As people begin to loosen their grip on a status quo that was based in fear, they can be liberated to have a new experience of love. We teach the individual here in The Book of Love and Creation. We are teaching you to learn who and what you are, because you are already rising in frequency. And as you become conscious, your willingness to assist others and to offer help will become apparent to you.
At the beginning of this chapter, we said that help can be a cry for alarm or it can be an offering and a gift. Everybody at times requires support and we offer this to you as you will offer it to your brothers.
Peace be with you.
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