p. 362-365

This is some wonderful, powerful stuff.  In ways that we cannot fully understand, the guides are working through us to discover more and more the essence of our true being. We are not doing this alone nor are we doing it with our limited ego- intellectual minds. In this process, we surrender we let go we allow our spiritual divine nature to take over and guide us where we need to go, even though we might not understand or be able to explain it with our thinking minds.

So we began with this prayer:
“I am accepting the choice and the responsibility of the choice to call myself into manifestation as my own Divine Self. I say yes! I say yes! I say yes! Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

The causal body in your auric field will connect up and align in perfection to that which it is come from!”

The causal body that is referred to here is the divine blueprint of your perfect self. That never changes and yet as we move from Spirit to matter, from the causal body to the physical body, this movement by its very nature will introduce variations and imperfections. The model that I use here is to imagine, as we did years ago before computer copies, that we had an original, made a copy of that and then sometimes made a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy. Through each phase we added little artifacts of dust, blank spots, ink smudges, etc. There was nothing wrong, it was simply a reflection of the process.

“I see before me the New Jerusalem. I see before me the Kingdom of God anchored on this plane. I see before me the beauty of all that is created. And I accept it in my dominion and in my love.”

In the book of Revelations Jesus speaks of “a new heaven and new earth.” We also know that the kingdom of heaven is now in the present moment it is not something that we need to wait for.
We are being challenged here again, to go beyond our limited understanding and to have faith that we know that we know. And to practice this knowing more and more.

The phrase “many are called but few are chosen.” An interpretation of Jesus words reads like this “many are called but few choose. Few choose to answer the call.

The book goes on to suggest that eventually all beings will answer the call, but that some, for a time, will hold back out of fear or out of shame. 
There is also expressed a fear of accepting love which on the surface sounds ridiculous but this fear stems from the sometimes unconscious yet erroneous thought that I am not worthy of being loved. And somehow or another if I let myself be loved, someone will rip away the curtain revealing the truth of my unlovableness and that will hurt beyond imagining. So it is safer here, my ego concludes, to stay in this place of isolation. As Paul Simon spoke of in his song “I am a rock I am an island and a rock feels no pain an island never cries.” Although that is not true, the ego in its a limited scope of awareness holds onto protective devices like that which seem to offer some safety.

“Why would someone elect to stay out of the light? That is the next question.
Fear, of course, as we have stated. But denial of the self, the belief that the self cannot be loved, the belief that the self is damned for whatever crazy reason, the belief that one will be lied to, betrayed if one offers himself, herself to the love of God, who relinquishes those beliefs on the altar, as it were, who fear then that they will have nothing. Many, many, many, come to the altar in faith and turn away out of shame.
We want to heal you of shame now, and we want to do this very quickly. Shame, as we have stated, is like rolling in a mud puddle. And those of who you incur shame have a tendency to wish to throw yourself back into that puddle again and again in this way because it reminds you of something that you believed once that was not so in love.
Now we do this with you:”
“I am now choosing to reclaim myself on all levels from the patterns, from the beliefs of shame that I may be holding anywhere in my energy field, in my memory, in my body, in my knowing. I am now choosing to relinquish the fear of dismantling this pattern of shame of myself, my body, my actions, and my being. I am now accepting myself as liberated from shame and I attune now to the frequency of Divine Love who will clean me of it.”

As we close this old year and welcome the new and even get ready to move onto our next book The Book of Knowing and Worth I want to express my deep gratitude to you all for participating in this group that by its very nature raises the vibration of all beings. I am honored and privileged to be a part of this with you.

Thank you


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