
Showing posts from 2015


p.25-29 Many of us have heard parts of this message before, but in this book it is written in a very concise and beautiful way. Some major points: If I am focusing on a person with intention—and either being angry, loving or whatever energy you think of, that person place or situation is changed by the frequency of my intention. “Energy interacts with other energies, and as you energize an emotion and you send it out, you are impacting that thing which you are intending. And we will say that this is done intentionally and unconsciously, depending on where you are operating from in your awareness of your surroundings and your interactions with those you encounter. You can be passive or active, but you are still projecting your emotion on the object you focus on.” One of the strengths we are continually working on is awareness. I want to be more aware of what I am “putting out there” since I am beginning to recognize its power to influence and transform. When...


p. 20-25 “We want to give you permission now to design a life that you want. But we want this life to be in construction with the needs of your Divine Self.” We are continuing working with our awareness of co-creation and manifestation.  Just look around and see what you “have” ( which is another way of saying what you have created), and decide what no long serves you.  We used the example of looking through your bookcase, and pulling out those items that no longer serve you (books you truly can say “been there; done that;” or those that you have been promising yourself to read for years, but never seem to get around to, and those you have read or not that just seem to hold no interest for you. Nothing is “bad” here; we are simply deciding what we no longer want/need or what no longer has meaning for you. Then, if you want to be energetically sound you can give them away, sell them or find another way to recycle. In this example we are not only cleaning o...


p. 16-20 Again we are exploring the reality we live in, and deciding what we want and what no longer serves us. We are not making a value judgment on our stuff or our thoughts and beliefs. It is about discovering what no longer serves us and letting it go (if you want to). It would be like going through your closet and finding the clothes you no longer use or want. The clothes themselves might be perfectly fine, but you don’t want or need them anymore; you don’t like the style, etc. So they longer serve you. Now you could keep them or you could let go of what no longer serves you. That’s the deal—discovery and choice. “As you go about your day, we want you to begin to imagine that everything that you encounter you have chosen. Every smile from every stranger, every piece of dirt on the street, every telephone call, every mailing in your mailbox, everything on the television, everybody’s face at work, on your children’s faces, everything is created by you. We want you to ...


P. 11-16 Just to repeat this profound principle:  “you have to become very aware of the aspect of the self that you are choosing to create from.” In the past when we spoke of manifestation, transformation or creating, if it didn’t work, then we were told we weren’t trying hard enough or that we were doing it wrong.  Above we have a key element—we create from the mind set that we are standing in right now.  The question becomes how do I change my mind? If I am used to living in scarcity, lack or victimhood, how do I turn that around?  The simplest answer is that I become aware that I choose the thoughts I hold onto. As soon as I become aware that I am holding onto and “feeding” negative ideas, I move a better idea, thought, or affirmation in its place. I am often reminded of an an essential piece of Unity belief and history. Myrtle Filmore was diagnosed with TB and literally given a death sentence. Through a number of influences she create...


p. 9-12 (for those of you who were in class, I need to apologize for being so “mouthy” during this session. I have to say though that I found today’s material very moving and exciting). The guides are using the metaphor of a billboard to demonstrate some our creative power. I began thinking along those lines and  believe  it can be divided into three planes of understanding. Stage 1-Here we are pretty unconscious and we look at the billboard and immediately want to get ahold of whatever it is being put before us. Sometimes a thing or an idea that we never knew existed a moment ago becomes a want or a need. We have no realization of what we have created here or our power of choice. Stage 2—We are consciously aware, and we discover that even though we might have a knee jerk reaction to what is on the billboard, we realize we have no interest in it at all, and we just reject it outright. Stage 3-We still have no interest in the item, but we understand how some mi...


p. 5-9 Sometimes words fly out of my mouth , and I have to take some time to listen to them myself. In class I said something to the effect: “There are times we create situations to prove to ourselves they are NOT true.” I hope that is not too confusing.  There are times when we are dealing with both personal and collective thoughts and situations. It seems pretty obvious that we have created a collective mindset of scarcity and unworthiness which also affects many of us as individuals.  Now if we take that and line it up with the Truth that we are affirming, “I am Word; I am the creative power of God; there is nothing in which I am lacking,” we can see there is “something wrong with this picture."  Most of us have been taught and have experienced that sense of scarcity and unworthiness. To erase the false teaching and experience they must be replaced by another teaching and experience.  What this book is getting at is that we are changing our l...
DAY TWO: AWARENESS IN CONGRUENCE WITH THE DIVINE SELF (quotes from the book are in bold print) p. 4-7 Towards the end of the Prologue I was reminded of an image/metaphor created by the Russian mystic Gurdjieff.   This a paraphrase: “Imagine a coach with a driver and six very strong horses. The coach has been traveling here and there for many years. Without warning an arm holding a cane reaches out the coach’s window and taps the driver on the leg and a voice from within says, “Turn left.”  “Who are you?”, the driver asks, “I own this coach; I just woke up; now turn left.”  The coach is you/your physical existence; the driver is your ego consciousness; the horses your thoughts and emotions; and the owner of the coach is your inner awareness/spiritual consciousness.  The scene is now set, and the driver (your ego) is not going to relinquish control that quickly. What we are hinting at here, however, is that coming into your spiritual awareness and ...


“This next book is a big one. It’s a treatise, again, but it’s a different kind of treatise. And it’s about walking in the light, and how to stand in the light, and how to become yourself in congruence with the Divine Self that you are through your relationships, through your actions, and through your requirements of your knowing, and what is given to you through spirit through your consciousness as you walk forward.” And most of us are probably asking the same question as Paul, “How is this going to be different from the first book?” I Am the Word , put down the foundation and got you used to this new language of manifestation. It is not so much about creating things on the outside as it is realizing the creative power within you as the continuing manifestation of Love. Book One is about claiming you power(and working through those distractions at can get in the way), while the second book is putting that power to practice.  “But Book Two has its own mission, which is...