“This next book is a big one. It’s a treatise, again, but it’s a different kind of treatise. And it’s about walking in the light, and how to stand in the light, and how to become yourself in congruence with the Divine Self that you are through your relationships, through your actions, and through your requirements of your knowing, and what is given to you through spirit through your consciousness as you walk forward.”

And most of us are probably asking the same question as Paul, “How is this going to be different from the first book?”
I Am the Word, put down the foundation and got you used to this new language of manifestation. It is not so much about creating things on the outside as it is realizing the creative power within you as the continuing manifestation of Love.
Book One is about claiming you power(and working through those distractions at can get in the way), while the second book is putting that power to practice. 

“But Book Two has its own mission, which is the jurisdiction of light in manifestation. What is the work of the light, what is the light to do, how are you supposed to respond to it, and how do you work with it for the benefit of your lives and for the lives of those around you?”

I found it interesting that the guides began to address fear directly and very quickly. I became aware that with any new spiritual endeavor there is anticipation and excitement as well as anxiety and fear. However, much of the time the fear is masked so well by our ego, that we never even realize it is there. The way it show up is in laziness or indifference, “Oh, I really don’t need to practice that today.” “This is a really good book, but I can’t afford to spend all my time studying this.” “I wonder if anything is really happening here; Planet Earth still seems like the crazy place it always has been.” 
It’s a kind of passive-aggressive fear that sucks our energy out and eats away our positive motivation. So I was pleased it was brought to my attention right away.

A teacher was once explaining the seductive power of fear, and he said, “If fear has a voice, it would say ‘Hold onto me and I will keep you safe.’” 
Now we can see how ridiculous that is when we look at it logically, but there are some powerful attachments going on that sometimes keep us stuck in fear.

“Now if you can understand, very simply, that what has been created in fear must be dismantled and, on occasion, confronted fully in order to realize itself for its worthlessness, you can understand what you have to prepare yourselves for if you don’t change consciousness.”

Now we move from fear itself to the major consequence of fear and that is separateness.
The guides promise here that the walls are being razed. Even if we cannot see it yet. In a sense nothing can keep us from the truth, and the truth is we are all One; we are all brothers and sisters; separateness is an illusion created out of fear. 

Although there was quite a bit of letting go of old patterns of behavior and thinking in the first book I do not recall the guides specifically speaking about surrender, although here it is in the prologue. We are being instructed emphatically that we need to let go of our identification with the lower/ego self.
It does not disappear, but we realize more and more it is not longer who I am.
This surrender can create fear from the ego self because it thinks if you let go of it that it is going to die (and sometimes it really feels that way. Some authors actually call this “ego-death.” But have not fear (pun intended) the ego will rise again; we just do not have to make it the center of our lives.

“Now we say fear, and what you must understand now is that the requirement of fear to create fear is an unconscious action. It is not a plan. It is how the breed grows itself. If I fire somebody from my job because I am frightened of what they do, I have created fear, and the ramifications of that choice will contend to bring about more fear. So when you see this as an operational system that seeks to realize itself, you can begin to work with it as a construct. And once you can see something as a construct with attributions and laws and practices and rules, it’s a lot easier to understand them.
The crucifixion of the self that you each fear will come to you if you realize yourself as your Divine Self is a promise of fear. There is crucifixion of the lower self, and the lower self has the investment of self-identifying as separate and creating constructs of separation. So you see, the war that is happening, if you wish to use that illustration, is between two different planes of awareness and self-identification: the self that is in terror of being seen for what it is, which is a fear-based construct, and the self that knows that it is free but has not had the primary rule to be able to fulfill itself.”

The guides have used this word “construct” a number of times. I think their meaning of “constuct” is 'a pattern of thought that we have created, and then have begun to believe it is the truth.' When we realize it is a construct we can challenge it, take it apart, or just throw it away if it no longer serves us.  

“So we are going to congratulate you each today for embarking on a new tour, a new journey, a new way of operating in ambition. And by ambition we mean you stand in your own knowing and you create from the space, “I am in my knowing,” and you align to the possibility that you will be taught.
As we teach you, we remember who you are in truth. And as you are remembered by us, you remember yourselves. We are working with you. This will be an energetic transmission. No one is without the love of the Creator and we will bring this to you on every page as we can. We will give you thanks now, and Paul will stop. This will be the end of the prologue, and we give thanks for your participation in the work that is to come.
“Word I am Word through this intention to allow this second book to come into its perfect form in perfect ways and in perfect timing. I am Word through this intention to be of service through this manual of love and creation. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

Amen to that!


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