p. 5-9
Sometimes words fly out of my mouth , and I have to take some time to listen to them myself.
In class I said something to the effect: “There are times we create situations to prove to ourselves they are NOT true.”
I hope that is not too confusing.
There are times when we are dealing with both personal and collective thoughts and situations. It seems pretty obvious that we have created a collective mindset of scarcity and unworthiness which also affects many of us as individuals.
Now if we take that and line it up with the Truth that we are affirming, “I am Word; I am the creative power of God; there is nothing in which I am lacking,” we can see there is “something wrong with this picture."
Most of us have been taught and have experienced that sense of scarcity and unworthiness. To erase the false teaching and experience they must be replaced by another teaching and experience. What this book is getting at is that we are changing our level of vibration from lower to higher and in order to do that we must not only know the higher vibration exists, we must also experience it.
It might be very nice to see a picture of a mother or father holding a new-born child, but that is much different from you having the experience holding that child. Feel the difference?
Now since many of us have experienced this sense of lack and unworthiness which creates that lower vibration of being, sometimes we need to be made consciously aware of that experience so that we can say “No” to it/deny its truth, and say “Yes” to the power and love of God that I am.
Throughout Sunday’s class I was reminded of that powerful saying of Jesus, “Where your treasure is, there your heart is also.” This is another statement reflecting the “creating your own reality” paradigm. Kind of like “what you see is wha you get, and what you see is what you want to see/what you focus on.”
The planet that you exist in, in many ways, operates at the same level. The designs that you have created around you are there to support an experience that you are intending to have as a human being operating in a body on a physical plane. Now the transmission of change into the physical is a process. It does not happen in the twinkling of an eye, but it does happen. And if you can understand that a hundred years ago much of what you take for granted today was not even at play here, you can understand how rapidly thought becomes reality.
So it has been said quite often in different ways that Planet Earth is a classroom. But it is not a classroom we have been forced into. It is a classroom of our own creation. It is not the limited ego self that created this. It is a classroom created by our collective and individual soul for our growth.
This might be a silly metaphor, but the one that came to mind is a person who realizes he/she is not in great physical shape and would like to be stronger/healthier. So they go about building/creating a gymnasium with exercise equipment; and they start a garden to grow fresh fruit and vegetables. Now there are certainly going to be times when exercising becomes a real pain, and you become very tired of weeding and tending you garden. In fact you might become so distracted and upset that you forget why you started this whole project to begin with.
I would like to leave with the billboard metaphor the guides have been using.
We can be so unaware of ourselves and the world that we come across this billboard in our neighborhood and immediately get sucked into what it is trying to sell us. Something that we did not know existed a few moments ago now becomes something we cannot live without!
Then we might come aware that, “Hey, that is not my value, it’s someone else's. I don’t need that."
The next awareness is that even if I did not create that billboard personally, I still contributed to it on a collective level.
Now I begin to push harder. I can begin to think different thoughts, become aware of the deepest desires of my soul rather than the superficial ones. I take responsibility for whatever is on the billboard and I begin to choose to replace the trivia with the Truth.
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