p. 37-40

We opened our session with this quote from the new book by the Masters and Paul, The Book of Mastery:
The life that you live, the life that you express through, has taken many forms and the creations you take so seriously, “Oh, look at the mess I made,” “Oh, look at that thing over there, what am I to do, what am I to do?” are actually only as great as you perceive them to be. And the mountains out of molehills, we will say, must be reduced to the level of sand that they come from so that you may walk upon them and claim your true destiny as the master that you are. 

The final thing we wish you to know, and all of you to know, is that you are not alone in this teaching. Each one of you who attends to these words is being ushered through this process by us, the Guides who work with Paul, yes, but those that we have assigned to you to support you in your process, and those who attend to the text will be attending to one another as well on the higher levels of frequency that you now exist in. If you can imagine that there is a parade of awakening souls walking down each boulevard, you will see that you are not alone. And if you raise your hand in expectancy of assistance, you might as well accept that it will be there, if not by us, then one of your fellows.

As we explored this section a lively discussion evolved when the questions started to enter the political arena. This obviously creates some pretty strong feelings a there are people we like, people we agree with, and people we cannot stand.

Personally, I am working on developing a system/philosophy of guidance which has for its standard, “Do nothing that would create an increasing mindset of separation, no matter how right you think you are.” 
This does not mean being a door mat nor does it mean having to compromise you principles. (don’t ask me how you do all that; I’m still working on it.)
However, each one of us is going to work out how to make this material practical in our own lives. 
It is indeed challenging to move from reading and agreeing with something in the text, and then to put in into practice in our daily lives.

The task set out for us is to examine our feelings as we walk thought the day and to determine why we are feeling what we are feeling.
Essentially what Zen would call mindfulness. 
The reason for this is that 1) our feelings will usually dictate our responses to the people.places and things around us; 2) we are so unconscious that we react to many life situations in “robotic” ways and then simply claim, “Well that is just the way I am.” That kind of life is a falsehood. In many ways we have learned or taught ourselves to respond to particle situations in certain ways and forgotten we have choices.

Much of this work is about awareness and choice.   

Yes, we spoke a few days ago about a dusty picture sitting on a shelf that you no longer see because it’s just ignored. And we asked you to bring that into your awareness. Now we are saying the same thing for that behavior and the emotional responses that come in your life so that you can begin to discern what they are. As we work with this, you will become aware of how much waste you engage in and how much negativity you actually impact your reality with through this choice to remain unconscious to your feelings.

It might e a little confusing here as the book speaks of feelings and then talks of love as NOT being a feeling. This is more a difficulty of language. We most often use the word “feeling” to describe an emotional state, but the word can also be used as an expression of a spiritual reality. Simply put, I can notice when my heart is open and when it is closed. It is not a feeling so much as it is a sensing or awareness of when I am open and when I am shut down. (but we still tend to us the word “feeling” to describe this awareness).

An absolutely beautiful thought: 
Now get this: When you become love, you forget who you were without love. This is important. You forget who you were in fear. The amazing thing about the frequency of love is there is no fear in love. And, consequently, when you are love, you are not fear. And when you are in the frequency of love you don’t remember the frequency of fear because it cannot align, it cannot exist in this way.

In other words, fear or any other form of negativity is not just “waiting in the wings.” When we are in the frequency of love, fear is non-existent.  Fear cannot exist in the frequency of love.
That is what John meant when he said:”There is no fear in love. Instead, perfect love drives away fear.”

For the first time I noticed this powerful passage: 
And in love there is only love, and all that is called to it co-resonates with love or is seeking to be in resonance with love. That is why you call to you those who need what you have. And you will frequency-wise support them in their transformation, either through choice or through unconscious frequency exchange.

I am encourage to realize the people in my life at this moment are needing what I have—what a gift; what a challenge! 

And we are just reminded again that this text is teaching us on many different levels, including the energetic level which we might not be able to sense immediately, but is happening anyway.

The book that you are reading actually has a frequency in it that supports the changes that we speak of. It is as if there is a grid impressed into our language and our intentions that operates concurrently with the reading and the intellectual assessment of the information on the page. So it’s already happening on one level, but we want to give you an exercise that you can operate from, simply as an exercise in your frequency in order to change it from low to high.


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