p. 229-233
Much of today's lesson was a guided imagery adapted from pages 230 to 232.
you might want to check out the recording at:
I believe one of the most important aspects that we discussed was the difference between guided imagery of the past and what we are working on right now. The difference, as I see it, is that in imageries of the past we were simply “imagining" something or imagining what it would be like. And that is very nice and good but for most of us it still remains in the realm of the imagination (not quite real).
When we are speaking of imagining now, we are suggesting that this is also a way of knowing. It is a way of knowing that bypasses the thinking mind and yet still opens us to a deeper truth. All of us know; all of us to know the truth of who we are we would not be here. Unless there was an aspect of us that was in contact with the truth we would not be even attempting this work. Our connection with Truth might not always be conscious, so that is the work we are doing is to make this truth conscious.
In the meditation we did, we were allowed to get in touch with this light that we are, and notice how that light can be transported from one place to another, and how that light can actually be a gift to ourselves as well as to other people, even if they are not physically present.
Another suggestion we make quite often is that many of the things that we speak of we have already done and are already doing, but we are not particularly aware of that. For example, when we pray for someone we love, whether we pray for their healing or for some other reason and we let go of the results, what we are doing is we are doing is we are actually sending them light. We are being a channel of light to them and for them.
I often wonder when I find myself being lifted out of some dark places my mind might go to of how many people are praying for me at that moment. How many people are sending me light and love and grace that I am not even consciously aware of and yet somehow or another on a soul level I am able to take that in and heal and raise my vibration.
The question was asked about how we can raise our vibration and I think we can do that in many ways. For me asking myself some very simple questions is a way of getting grounded and centered with a sense of higher vibration. If I ask myself “Does this thought or this action before me going to raise my consciousness or raise my vibration or lower it?” When I find myself thinking negatively of someone or something and I recognize consciously then I have the ability with the possibility of turning that around, I can send love rather than criticism or fear. I have to remember as we are reminded so many times before, this is not about embracing the personality self either our own or someone else’s. It is about embracing the Divine Truth that is always there, no matter what we think we might be seeing.
Time and again I am reminded of Mother Theresa’s mission in life,”To see Christ in all his distressing disguises.
We can travel through time. We can bless our future of others, even the future of this country and this world. we are not predicting, or holding onto a particular form, that’s not how it works, but just as we ask the Divine to bless this day as we rise in the morning, so to we can ask that all else be blessed as well. See, we do this all the time.
We can travel into the past. Forgiveness is a great example of this. Another is the conscious realization of a pattern to thought or action no longer serves us, and we open to the possibility or letting that go.
We can heal the past, through prayer, forgiveness, meditation, surrender , etc. We can help heal others with these same methods.
We can travel through space. We can be with a friend or loved one in a hospital even though they might be miles away. Not only in prayer, but in consciousness.
Notice how many ways we have of being present, and therefore the many ways we have of raising our vibration and that of others.
Right now I find myself deeply challenged by what is happening in our country, (and I realize there are many who do not share my beliefs and concerns). It is so easy for me to fall into judgment an criticism, and being right, and righteous. BUT then I am offered the choice of sending love to the person I am judging. Why would I want to send him or her more hatred and fear? Isn’t there enough of that going around?
I am not suggesting that is easy, but you probably notice that it was not too long ago that most of us did not even realize we had that choice! We just hung around in that negative vibe because that is all we knew how to do.
“Now we will tell you this: As you manifest these abilities, you have to understand that you are responsible for your own frequency. This is for all of you and this is everyday maintenance. If you were a car, you would know to gas it up, you would know to wash it down when it was in the storm or in the mud, and you would know to get it checked once in a while. Your energy field also needs your attention. And you can clear it out with Divine Light through this intention:
“I am Word through this intention to call forth Divine Light to clear my energy field of anything and everything that is needing to clear. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
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