P. 266-268
We already know what the Christ consciousness is. We all know we have it. We all know this intellectually, the challenge here is to know it experientially.
All of us have experience being in love. I do not mean 16-year-old infatuation. I am speaking of having an open heart, a wide open heart, towards another. This easy to imagine with a little baby or a puppy or a kitten, but each one us has probably experienced the deeper experience of forgiveness.
And the language we are using In this book you will notice that forgiveness or letting go of anger and resentment or releasing judgment changes the vibration that you are in. It is not difficult to sense the difference between the vibration anger and judgment as compared to the vibration of Forgiveness.
I am suggesting that this is one-way out of many that we can experience Christ consciousness. I would also suggest that There are many examples in your own life of When you have experience this consciousness. I encourage each one of us to examine ourselves and to be more aware of those times.
It is quite easy to know that someone can experience Christ consciousness, but it is much more difficult to claim that you can experience it yourself.
“We have spoken to you already about the Christ consciousness. The Christ consciousness is frequency and you align to it in your knowing and in your vibration. And as you go into congruence with it, it becomes where you operate from, and it resolves itself through your experience. As you continue to change, your authority is gifted to you in this knowing. And what we say this means is that as you know, your questions are answered. You become the one who is in your knowing and consequently can access the answers that you require.
This book is meant to give you this. Your own choices, your own sense of self-worth have been based so far in false constructs. And as we liberate you from them, we offer you the possibility that your love is as wonderful as the love of the Creator who has gifted you with life.
“I am Word through all that I know to be true. I am Word through my own ability to know. I am Word through all that I will know. And I am free of any restrictions of my knowing that have been placed on me by myself, by anyone “else, or any systems or structures that may have been in place that I am no longer aligned to. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
I realized as I sat with this lesson that the following quote is probably the most significant int he book.
“We are going to stop in a moment, but we want to tell you one more thing. How deeply you are loved is something that you may not know. However, we want you to know. And we want to gift you now with an experience of yourself as loved.”
If we were to realize how deeply e are loved, there would be no need for further study, we would simply be hanging out together BEING LOVED.
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