p. 313-317
The theme of this lesson is quite simple. In the practice of healing another, we are encouraged to be in touch with our intuitive self, and as we can, to hold this individual in the highest light possible. We let go of any expectations we might have of how this energy will affect this person or how they will receive it. We do not know why an illness or perceived imperfection would manifest itself in another. What we do know is that everything we are confronted with in life is a lesson created by the soul of something we are to learn. Now if that is true for us, it is true for all others as well.
“I am now choosing to serve as a vehicle for the healing of my brother.”
Say you tune in to someone in their frequency and you move through their body in consciousness as if you are an x-ray or a scanner and you move through the body and you begin to feel in your own where they are holding pain or dis-ease. You can move into conversation with your own knowing and with the knowing of the one you are with to learn what is required to move the frequency to bring it back into alignment.
“I am now choosing to know that which would support my brother in his healing. Word I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
Now we want to talk about realization for a moment. And your realization of your brother as healed and in his perfect state is, in truth, a way to support frequency. However, we don’t mean this to bypass a reality. We do not tell you this in a way to deny a present symptom, but instead to see the organism as healed and capable of healing. This is done through intention. However, a simple way to work in frequency is as follows: You have tuned in to your partner, you have felt where the malady lives, and then you set this intention:
“I am Word through this part of my partner that needs to be realigned in healing. Word I am Word through the one before me.”
And important concept to keep in mind is that, with you as well as that person you might be holding and healing, we are not speaking of the personality self. All of this is a reflection of the Divine consciousness.
The following section puts these principles in a language that we are already familiar with. The work or the intention of healing is not essentially different from what we refer to as prayer. Not our old notion of prayer of God being out there someplace, but our newer understanding of the divine consciousness within ourselves as well as within another.
“Now if you understand that prayer is a form of healing, and when you are praying for someone you are teaching the field of frequency that requires healing through application to bring frequency that requires healing through application to bring forth the frequency that is needed, you can understand that that does not require that you move into your own energy field in order to “track.” It does mean that your intention is to see them healed, and that is lovely. However, to know that someone is being healed is not always in alignment to their soul’s purpose, and you must always defer to that knowing.”
The last part of this lesson is what we might call spiritual psychology. We already know that suppressed emotions or denied emotions can create depression or other forms of internal turmoil. It is now suggested to us that suppressed emotions can also create illness within the physical body. Emotions cannot be healed unless they are brought to consciousness. And this work might both require help
and might be painful.
“Now denial of the emotions creates dis-ease. That’s very, very simply put. And moving through the emotions to allow them to be transformed is a vehicle for healing. But you cannot identify what you have suppressed unless you are willing to go there. Now we do not want to spend a great deal of time going back through your histories in order to identify trauma. That is not our work here. All healing happens in this present moment. All healing happens in this present moment now. And that includes trauma that you may have incurred when you were two years old. The healing of that still happens in the now.
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