I believe it is finally dawning on me that the soul's viewpoint is different from that of the material world, even in the most positive things we are seeking. For instance, if our prayer is for peace in the world there is usually an image that comes to mind: everybody getting along, hugging one another, and being nice. There is nothing the matter with that image, but it is not a true or complete reflection of the Christ or the divine nature. Now do not ask me what that is, for I do not know yet, but I do know that my limited perception even in its highest realms, is nowhere near the truth of what is.

At this time in the world we are offered deep and powerful lessons to go beyond our personality self and the personality self of others as well. If you are like me, every time you flip on news or even hear a story about news, you can immediately go into outrage. And then when I become lost in that consciousness, I am even looking for things that outraged me even more.

Where is my outrage and getting me other than trapping me in the illusion of being right. Practically everything flowing from my limited consciousness is a reflection of fear in some form or another. My job here is to recognize that. Awareness however, is only the first step. I must make choices of what to do with my awareness. Do I choose to raise my vibration or to lower it.

Someone offered this question in class today that has to do with one of the more recent terror attacks. The question was “What do I do with that?” The best way I can approach this is by suggesting that we deal with incidents like that on many different levels and we can be consciously aware of each one of those levels, as well as how to raise our vibration to a level of transformational consciousness.

My first reaction after hearing a story like that might be outrage come and I am entitled to that. I can even honor my outrage as being a normal or typical human response. Then in my awareness, I ask myself “Do I want to stay there? What is my outrage and getting me?” On a higher level of my being, which is not attached to being right, I can see that my outrage is simply producing more outrage and that obviously is not my intention.

So I honor my outrage I can even “Word” through it: “Word I am Word through my outrage.” Now from a small self point of view claiming that would seem to increase the power of outrage. However what I am doing is looking on my outrage from a higher level. I am not denying it, but I am realizing that it is coming from a place of fear. I am not being asked to condone the act, I am being asked to hold this piece of human interaction in the highest level of awareness that I can. When I do that, I can open my heart and compassion to all of those who are suffering— family members and friends as well as those who have lost their lives. I can also become aware of the conflict, confusion and pain a person would have to be in to perform such an act of terror. I might not be able to understand that with my thinking mind but I cannot have a sense of it in my heart and my soul. (I might also realize as one of my teachers pointed out, that for the one terrorist we saw, how many we're turned around buy our holding in this world in a higher vibration?)

There is even another layer awareness here and that it takes us into the realm of karma and purpose. Most of us are not aware of our own karma or our purpose and so we are certainly challenged when we think we are aware of someone else’s.
Let me share an example that might shine a bit of a life on this deeper awareness.
IN 2015 Dylann Roof shot and killed nine African Americans in a Baptist church. One of those killed was a senior pastor and state senator. Almost immediately, because of the association the killer had with the Confederate flag, that it was taken down from the capital and then other states quickly followed followed. We are still experiencing the reverberation of that movement as we takedown statues that in any way reflect slavery or the attitude that goes with it.

Soon after the flags started coming down, the thought struck me that this pastor gave up his physical/human life in order to set in motion this is huge transformation. That could be simply a story that I am making up, but I do not believe so.

As I read this lesson over it seemed as if I was digressing, but I think not. The essence of this lesson today is awareness and in that state of awareness the releasing of all the does not serve me. That will include thoughts, behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, patterns of thought, and patterns of behavior. Because of this work we are doing, some of these will fall away even without us realizing it consciously. There will be others however, that will immediately challenge us to determine if we choose to hold on to them or not. We are at  interesting place here, because we might realize that there are patterns of thought or behavior that no longer serve us that we wish to let go of, that are not simply released. They do not simply disappear just because we want them to. These are the ones we are ask to hold in truth, to put them on the altar, to continually allow ourselves to come into alignment with the divine spirit that no longer needs these patterns of thought and behavior. It might not happen within the time we desire. We are guaranteed however that it will happen. This is not a passive waiting. It is a continuing openness to the spiritual force in each one of us that is constantly working to align us more and more to the identity of the divine self that we truly are.

Do not be deceived by the simplicity of this directive. It is unbelievably powerful.

“But how do you work with them on a day-to-day level to support the self in maintaining high frequency? We have already told you that your consciousness is your frequency. And it is your obligation, finally, to keep your frequency high. So claiming “I am Word” through what you feel will support you in realigning your feelings to the higher frequency. “I am Word through this feeling of rage,” “I am Word through this worry,” “I am Word through this sadness,” believe it or not, will incur frequency response into the energetic bodies that correlate to the emotions and to the mind. That is how it works.
When you are Wording through your kneecaps, you are sending the frequency to your knees. When you are Word through your worry, you are sending the frequency of the Word to support you in aligning that energy field that would hold the worry to the higher frequency. It’s really that simple.”

“I am now choosing to align myself to my own healing of body, mind, and spirit. I am now choosing to activate frequency to bring all of my energy bodies into perfect alignment and healing. And I am affirming that my body is healed as well. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word. I am now choosing to believe that I am worthy of my healing and I am aligning myself to that which I require to make this so. Word I am Word.”

“When we speak of healing today, either physical or emotional healing, you are operating at Christ consciousness when you see the one as healed before you. You are seeing them in the spiritual perfection. If the body does not take the energy to work with, the energy field will, and we will tell you each, everyone is loved and everyone will be held in love at the end of this journey. The existence in the body in corporeal form is a system of experience and one chapter, as has been said, in a grand book. So you are living a life today. You will always be alive someplace, and we are working with you here, today, in your consciousness to support you in your growth and healing.”


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