
Although this section speaks again of the physical body there are also some deep universal lessons that are reflected here. One of them is simply stated:

“Now this love that we have for you cannot occupy you in the way it would like to, to the extent that you do not allow it for yourselves.”

This is not a judgment; it is an awareness. This is an awareness of self-imposed limitations. Limitations that come from a perception of unworthiness or a short sighted perception of oneself. 

Even much present day metaphysical literature will look upon the body as being a burden or an illusion. One of the many differences in these channeled works by Paul Selig is that the material world, including the physical body, are not rejected or made light of. They are recognized as part of the journey.

The body is not just a vehicle we have chosen, it is also a teacher. What we are being asked to do here is what we would be asked to do with any teacher, and that is to love the teacher and to embrace the lessons that are being taught. In other words, to accept them and work with them lovingly. I emphasize both of those things because this is not about passiveness. When I accept, I don't roll over and play dead. Acceptance is the beginning stage of being able to work on something in the most loving way possible.

Here is that last affirmation we used today that I suggested we each VPN study at least once daily for this week:

“I am now choosing to bring my physical body to the next level of its incarnation and become aware of all ways in which I still the hold the physical form in abeyance of the higher frequency. I am now realigning my knowing to become newly aware of my responsibility to heal my body as is required by my choices to feed myself, care for myself, and inhabit my surroundings in wellness. I am now coming to know that my body is a joyful vehicle and I am celebrating it in Divine Love and thanking it for being with me on this remarkable journey in consciousness. I am now choosing to accept the awareness and the actions that are required to support me in realigning my form to hold and vibrate at this new frequency. I am Word.”

We are usually aware of what we call frequency and vibration when we speak of things that are outside of the material realm. For instance, we recognize that sound and light have particular vibrations and frequencies. What is being emphasized here is that matter also has frequency and vibration. We have the ability through our choice of love to raise the vibration of our physical being.

In the past few years there has been much literature and proof around this idea. Sending love to water molecules or plants creating such a difference as opposed to sending lower vibration thoughts and energy. If that is true for things outside of us, how much more true for the matter that is closest to us our own physical bodies.


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