p. 326-328

“We are going to teach you that your body is a joy. Regardless of what you feel about the physical form that you stand in, your body is a joy and it is a significant one. It is what allows you to have your experience on this physical plane. And if it doesn’t look like you wish it did, if it doesn’t perform the way you thought it should, it’s still a wonderful joy. And the physical body needs to become attuned to this. It needs to vibrate as joy, in an awareness of its worth, in order to be healed.”

Of the theme today concerning the physical body. Often times or desire to rise above the things of the world for the cleaning nature of the things of the world we find ourselves either losing or missing some lessons that we are to learn. There are certainly times when the physical body or that we can experience the physical body as being a burden. There're certainly times we would like to drop it altogether. Not necessarily in what we call death but just to get rid of the distractions encumbrance it seems to carry.

“When you are condemning the physical form that you stand in, you cannot expect it to change in a healthy way. A dog that gets yelled at becomes frightened. And if it changes and responds in behavior, it is never a happy dog. And if you abuse your body by calling it names or by criticizing it for not doing what you think it should, you are actually harming your frequency. So our requirement for you right now is to be in joy in the physical form that you stand in, regardless of what you would like to feel.”

We step back from moment and realize that our physical bodies are also an aspect of our creation. That we chose this particular body with its unique DNA and form not only to be our vehicle here on planet Earth but also to be one of our teachers.

Our bodies are sometimes the brunt I'll bar anger and frustration especially when they are not doing what we would like them to do or they are not responding the way we think they should. None of us in our awareness we condemn a child even if they did something unacceptable. We might express our disappointment or even our objection but it would also confirm that none of that could or wouldn't interfere with the love and respect we have for them. We use this as an example of how we suggest you work with your body.

Much of our disappointment or annoyance with our physical nature comes from the unrealistic and perfectionistic views of the ego. We might not live up to the standards of grace and youth and beauty that are perpetuated in our advertising culture. It is time to step back from those destructive images of a perfection that does not exist. So often we punish ourselves for not being what we think we ought to be and yet the image for the model that we are clinging to does not even exist in Nature.

“Your choices, when they are made from emotion, are not necessarily conscious choices. So we want to differentiate how you care for your body from how you feel for a little bit and try to become practical.
When you walk around all day, your body needs hydration and you know it and you care for it accordingly. However, when you are in a rush and you grab something off a shelf without an awareness of what you are feeding yourself, you are acting unconsciously. When you poison the body with chemicals, with alcohol, with drugs, you are actually lowering your frequency. And we want to give you a requirement now that you become aware in your physical reality of your own responsibility to yourself.”

What we are working unconsciously here this first of all to become aware one more aware of our physical being to love that as much to honor it as much as we would honor anyone or anything. In that honoring we also suggest that you treat this physical body of yours with the same amount of respect that you would treat any object that you deem to be sacred or holy or meaningful.


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