Now we reach you. Now we hold you. Now we embrace you and we gift you with this:”

I encourage all of us to realize, even though this book was published a few years ago, that the message and the energy within are also taking place right now. The authors will often say that they do not live in linear time, and so each one of us can be touched, can be loved, can be nurtured, just as Paul was being loved and nurtured a few years ago. The intellect might not be able to comprehend that, but even in our limited awareness, we can understand that our love for another can also transcend time and space. We do not even have to think about that, it just is.

This passage is so beautiful. It reminded me of the Beatitudes that Jesus spoke of on the Sermon on the Mount (Mt. 5: 1-11).

“Each one who knows will know themselves as truth.
Each one who stands will know themselves as healing.
Each one who breathes will know themselves as breath.
And each one who loves will know themselves as love.”
Each one who gives will know themselves as the Well of All Giving.
And each one who believes will be the Rock of Faith.
Each one who expresses will express the Divine.
And each one who sings will sing a song that will reach the millions.
Each one who is in free will untie their fellows.
And each one who laughs will sing with this in joy.
Each one who praises will be praised in knowing.
And each one who says, ‘I am Word,’ will be in themselves as love.
“I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”

It is time now along with work and the study you are doing with this book and other spiritual teachings in your life, to embrace your own knowing. To know what is true for you at this moment and to release all thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and patterns of behavior that no longer serve you. Trust your intuition; your inner knowing.

“Your answers will come to you, now, in your own knowing as you accept it. And your freedom will come to each of you the moment you know fully that you have always been free. Your love will sing when you give your heart permission, and your faith will be your rock the moment you lay claim to it. You will sing this light in your frequency as you move forward in your work as a teacher, as a being who has come into form.”

It is not you that is changing so much as it is your perception of yourself. We encourage you to be more and more aware of this. Even when you say “I know who I am” you are unconsciously reflecting on who you think you are, your perception of yourself. And as long as we are dealing with perception, we are dealing with limitation. Again this is not a judgment or condemnation, it is simply the realization that my perception of myself remains limited and is not the truth. Even when I perceive myself or say “I perceive myself as a divine child of God,” I still have all sorts of labels and expectations about what I think that means. And so when I realize this, I simply open myself up to the deepest reality that can come to me at this time.

A reminder of what has been said many times before. All this is a reflection of that wonderful truth “you teach what you want to learn. “
And I continually thank you for allowing me to teach what I need to learn.


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