p. 345-347
We all had to chuckle a bit at the title of this chapter since we realized that every time Paul or another participant asks a question that it is never answered in an expected way or in a linear fashion.
The thinking mind craves answers and solutions so that it can push a particular item to rest and then move onto the next. We are probably aware on some level of our being that spirituality does not work that way. First, it is not linear in in form; secondly it deals with Unity rather than dualism, and that it almost revels paradox.
So the answers that are being offered here are answers that speak to the heart not to the mind. It must be noted that the mind is not completely in the dark, that there will be some understanding on an intellectual level but that this mental understanding is not the important piece.
The reason why we say this is that the mind, the thinking mind is still a marvelous tool, but that's what it is, a tool, it is not the essence of your being. Nor do you need to understand in order to Be. This is one of the many meanings of Jesus dictate to "become as a little child" to enter into the kingdom of heaven. To the little child it is not about good or bad or this or that it is the immersion into the experience whether that is getting your hands all sticky with the lollipop as well as enjoying its taste or becoming mesmerized by the shapes and forms created in the lava lamp.
The kingdom of heaven is an experience that exists within and all around you but you have to be in the experience in order to be able to participate.
“How long does it take me to become aware of frequency?”
I would suggest that you are already aware of frequency even though you might not be totally conscious of it. The simple example that we have used quite often of asking ourselves the question, "Does this open my heart or close it?" is a reflection of your awareness of vibration and frequency. We know what it is like to have an open heart or a closed heart. We can even sense the lightness or the heaviness of that decision.
As we delve into these teachings with more awareness, it will become clear that certain thoughts also carry with them the vibration of high or low or light or heavy. We can even begin to sense that within our physical bodies. This is not a human emotion that I am speaking of, this is more of an internal kind of knowing that speaks to our imagination or intuition.
You are already aware of frequency; you just don’t know it. And the passage to becoming clairsentient* is a passage of awareness. If you don’t imagine what it feels like to stand in the wind, you will have a new experience of the wind the first time you stand in it. So there’s really nothing for you to do except to align to the fact that the ability is inherent in all men and women in frequency. And your choice today is to begin to attune to it and to learn from it as it teaches you.”
“I’ve been reading this book so far, and I can’t feel it. Is there something wrong with me?
The question itself is a classic example on our almost innate unwillingness to trust our own awareness along with our deep-seated doubts that we are OK. As we have continued with this work we have become more and more aware that there is a knowing inside of each one of us that connects us with the truth of who we are. There are times when that knowing, that aspect of ourselves seems to be a very small fraction of how we perceive ourselves to be. But no matter how minuscule that knowing or that awareness might seem it is always present. Once you have experienced it in whatever form or whatever circumstance, this knowing has been revealed to you, there is no way to deny it.
So with this question and others like it that we might have even asked ourselves, I would encourage us to let go of all of the rational arguments either for or against and to move our awareness to our heart-space, that place of deeper knowing and awareness, and to allow ourselves to resonate with the truth of that space. Either let it speak to you or simply rest in its silence. That can be enough.
Absolutely not. There is nothing wrong with you. You just have a “ways to go still. You are still learning to enhance your own frequency to the level where you are able to feel comfortably and stand in your knowing.
We would like you to try something with us. Several inches above the body, we will say about five inches, there is a small energy shelf where you can feel the frequency that emits from the lower chakras. And the lower chakras, we will say, are the ones that adhere to the primary chakra system, which is in the body. You have seven of them, of the major ones, from the crown center to the root at the base of the spine. And, of course, you have others as well, outside of the physical self, above the crown and adhering to some of the organs in the body. If you would, place your hand now over the heart center about five inches off of the body and feel as if you have a small shelf there. Feel the body, feel the shelf, and see what you feel emerging from the heart. This would be of benefit to you to feel.
Now when you feel frequency with your hand, and we recommend“you place your left hand above you, you can feel the movement of the frequency. If you move above and below the heart center, which is between your breasts, you will feel the difference when your hand is no longer moving around and above the heart chakra and is no longer feeling the release of frequency there. This is a way to begin to learn, but please do understand that this work in attunement to frequency takes time and you are on the road already. There is nothing wrong with you.
Now we want to teach you something. Imagine, for a moment, that you are sitting under a tree and that the tree is flowering. As the tree is flowering, you begin to imagine that the chakras in your body, from the lower center to the higher, are all beginning to open and flower as well. And in this new attunement, “I am Word through my being,” you set this intention:
“I am now choosing to balance all of my energy centers in Divine Love. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
“And as we do this with you, we realign your energy centers to support you in harmony, in balance, and in understanding: “I am Word.”
* a big word that simply means “seeing clearly”—Like the song, “I Can See Clearly Now”
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