This book and many other pieces of spiritual literature will use the word “feelings” quite often. These feelings that are spoken of as part of our spiritual experience are not the same as our every day human emotions. That is why the use of this word “feelings” can sometimes be confusing.
We are ll aware of feelings that are aspects of our human emotions. Things like fear, anger, joy, sorrow, excitement, etc. And please know we do not discount these, but they are not the same as feelings that are spoken of in terms of our spiritual experience.
In spirituality there are such qualities of love, compassion, gratitude, joy, etc. These are choices that we make to raise the level of vibration of thought. We are not always going to feel these qualities as an emotion. In other words, it can be a great challenge to love when we do not feel like loving, to be grateful when we don't feel like being grateful, to be compassionate when we would rather wrap ourselves up in self-pity.
Part of the confusion is that there are times when our human emotions will be in alignment with our spiritual awareness. There will be times when I will be choosing to be grateful and I will also feel grateful or I will choose to be loving and I will be feeling very warm and fuzzy and loving. The lesson here is to realize that as wonderful as it is to feel these things, that I can still practice using these spiritual qualities even if I do not feel them. This is the challenge, to go beyond our attachment to our human feelings and yet still raise the vibration of our thoughts and our actions even if we do not feel like doing so.
Many of our human emotions our knee-jerk reactions connected with past experiences. Because many of them are so ingrained, we do not even realize that we are not necessarily responding to a present situation but are responding to afear or situation that has occurred in our past.
“Our job today was to relinquish the past. Our job today was to teach you that you are not those things that you have been. “Behold, I make all things new,” sayeth the Christ. And all things are new in frequency as you accept embodiment in the higher realms.”
I think all of us have been able to tune into other people’s feelings and energies. Most of the time with family or friends, and often when they are in a time of distress.
What we are being asked to do now it is to be able to tune into others for the purpose of raising our state of awareness. We are not eavesdropping or getting into someone else's business. We are just being asked to be aware, and in this awareness to go beyond our self-centered consciousness. It is only when we are not so wrapped up in our own personality and in our own limited ego consciousness that we can be truly aware of what is going on with another. Through this we can also learn to respond with compassion rather than judgment. No words needed to be spoken, no actions need to be taken other than to embrace my brother and sister in love.
Another way to understand the concept of feeling on a spiritual level is to use the ideas of sensing and/or knowing. When we speak of sensing something going on with ourselves or someone else, we are actually referring to our inner intuitive sense. This is also true when we speak of knowing. Knowing here is not intellectual knowing, it is not a formal proof of something it isn't knowing that comes from the heart. For instance, I can know that there is a power greater than myself, greater than my ego consciousness. I might not be able to prove that to you, but I can know it. I can know that I am loved. Even though I might not be able to prove that, I can still know it is being true.
These last few paragraphs I am going to quote from the book have within themselves a powerful powerful message. I would ask you each to read his over and be aware of how they speak to you.
“This is the last time this planet will be aligned to those vibrations. This is what is being changed. There is a new dawn coming where such things will no longer be aligned to this frequency and consequently there will be ways that these behaviors will be changed. And this will be out-pictured for many in the coming years. But do understand, please, that your requirement to be realigned is part of the solution here. This is no whimsy. This is no exercise in religiosity. Nor is it an exercise in ego. To say that you are the Christ is your truth, and to say that your brother is is the truth. And to say that the one you have perceived to be your enemy is is the truth. All are this thing. Now once you get it, and when we say, “get it,” we mean know, capital “K,” Know, there is no other reality. So as you assume this knowing, you are the solution. And you are the blessed one that can incur change.
Now understand, please, that change happens at a level of frequency and thought before it is acted upon in knowing in the active way that you would assume when you take on a task or a mission. For some of you, your work is going to be collective work, and we will anticipate that there will be those of you who will sit in groups and radiate frequency for the health and well-being of others. And we would assume that there will be those“of you that will hold this planet in a perfect vision of light that will sustain it through the trials to come.
You all have choices, and the choice to be this in your knowing supports the global change and it aligns you to the higher frequency. If you would recall, we gave you an example earlier in this text of a field where people were throwing rocks at one another. And when you stay in low frequency, you are hit or struck by those rocks that are thrown. But as you rise in frequency and you hold a new vision for your lives, your ascension, as it were, carries you above that lower level of impactfulness and it stops becoming your experience. So we are not saying that bodies will not be harmed if somebody tosses a rock at it, but we will say to you that you will not be present for the rock throwing. Your consciousness will have decreed you be elsewhere for that little demonstration of low-level exchange.
As you choose to become one with Source, your experience has to reflect that. That is the law of metaphysics. You cannot be what you are not. And in consciousness, that is where your knowing kicks in and your physical reality has to transform in kind.”
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